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Everything posted by vare_one

  1. nice man im likn them gush sketches and the espy sketch is clas aswell keep on with the simples man i gotta get on with some
  2. ur staring off well although i notcoed on the top one ur letters are kinda leaning on one another as if they are holding each other up might be me i dunno
  3. it ses 2005 on it cus it was done like at the begining of january and to me now thats an old sketch lol
  4. couple of old 3ds i found laying around there old so dnt be too harsh lol
  5. and for a toy ur not bad ur self i was fucking jealous of that deeh it is sick mate keep at it i was actually loving the fill effect ruff and very effective
  6. well i put the r at a different angle like that to mess the whole flow thing around so it looks like the whole piece is sorrta turning in different ways but yeah i get where ur coming from im just going on my original design thats all
  7. i know there are a few problems with it i can highlight most of the natural errors myself like the far leg of the a behind the v being to fat and there may be a problem on the r which i know about but can be sorted once painted and the E is ment to be like that at the back i havent miss judged the back line it goes down from the top then flicks in to meet the bottom back line but u cant see it so u have to imagine it
  8. very nice its so nice i cant read it lol :)
  9. http://www.phels.co.uk this is our site nfa 187uk cwf cfc are all the crews representing the area for 187 writers id check hafs dazer durs tera cost and the rest of the writers are cfc cwf mainly and some usn from milton keynes
  10. i got aload mor simples i dne today n last night but ill wait till i think im ready to post which will probs be monday when ive got my camera batterys again
  11. damn fotango was down sorri here it is
  12. heres a simple i tryed out earlier what u guys think for a start!
  13. im not a biter only an imaginative young lad i dnt see it appropriate behaviour bitting not showin ur true potential really is it ?
  14. do u know of any simples artists i can take a preview of there werk to get the basic affect and stuff
  15. liking it tbh liking it alot very handy skills u got there in paint man ive tryed some of that stuff n some of myne are i wreckon are burners aswell lol
  16. heres some of my recent werks feel free to be critical !
  17. likeing this one shirk very flowy
  18. heres another it was my second attmept to fill a pg
  19. oh and yeah i seen the film nothing to do with the 187uk though
  20. lol yeah 187uk its a bomibng crew im in we take out pieces that dnt apply to us round our area like other crews not ill ones but the others
  21. heres summat from a while back
  22. myself i would not say that shit is toy but heres one for ya go paint that up n let us see the finished art
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