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Everything posted by vare_one

  1. that there is as simple as i go ! ^^^^^ as i dnt feel the need for simple block
  2. a quick up simple i tryed a minute ago !
  3. cheers for the critisism eba that was the way i like to hear critisism but u dnt always get em like that ! cheers again n ill go back to my 45degees lol !!
  4. one i did for a trust battle on graphotism !!
  5. meh.... look to some looked too rushed ecro others are out of proportion id say work on the pencil one with the different style 3d on that seems to me to be the best bet ! safe vare
  6. a few from me new and old old! new!
  7. This was the full wall shot with my mate news!
  8. painted this the other week and this was the final outline i came out with! this was the piece and i quite liked how it turned out comapring how i messed around with a few of the lettersto try n werk it further! this was the piece!
  9. kase : can i ask what is the point of useless going no where add ons? EX: THE ONE ON THE TOP OF THE A ETC ETC
  10. i think simpler gaze and that pink cruel is dopealicious!
  11. hows this getting there? at all
  12. icarus id get rid of the silver pen or white pen i find that quite jazzy to the eye my friend! and start as simple as i am going bruv my middle sketch in the last post i posted on this post
  13. not when we it was already like that it wasnt it was a waste of a good wall if u ask me!
  14. safe ai get ya gear man i get ya what u think to that piece though i done!
  15. pardon i may refraise the comment u just made to vare : u are TRYING LIKE & DIFFERENT STYLES
  16. so far so good man shame its so blurry aswell
  17. which sketch and how id like to see the proof first before u go around throwing accusations bitch!
  18. heres more just newer ones critics go for it !
  19. er wkd just what i anted to hear
  20. needs more flow i reckon try some sharper ends and exjaerate it more
  21. Heres some of my recent stuff as i ent been on in a while
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