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Everything posted by vare_one

  1. keep doing what ya doin freak great prgression shown from these older sketches shows uve improved a hella lot flux im liking ya steexe keep on going bro stale forget about it ya style is clean and i think its sticking ! oh and bait just how many books have you filled now with sketches etc just outta intrest! GLOSH NICE OUTLINE BTW MAKE YOUR LETERS FLATTER AND LONGER IT WILL ADD TO THE EFFECT YOUR GOITN FOR IF YOU GET MY DRIFT
  2. cheers bud think it was the paint markers on cardboard that did that !
  3. old throw 2001 dunno if posted already alit sketch bigidy bong tony blair var (no E)
  4. stales are dope as wish i could have mine as neat as them !
  5. what an asshole comment, dudews yeah the kids shit was bad and he put to much uypo so why doint you tell him what he did wrong instead of bitch at him for it? and just to tell you your no king yourself you got no write tellign other peoepl their skills are "bullshit" Quoted post [/b] was telling him about posting it over n over not that it was wak dumbass i never sed ever i was a king myself and you shouldnt go running your mouth when you have blatently lost your own word OH and by the way cheers for MY FEEDBACK BITCHES DNT EVER expect me to SPEAK BOUT OTHERS work AGAIN IF YOU ALL CANT BE BOTHERED SPEAKIN N CRITISING OTHERS!
  6. few random bits from me will have more tmrw hopefully
  7. why not clog the thread with ya bullshit well done posted the same flik 4 times in a row dumbass!!!
  8. throws are the shizznet mate looking dope!
  9. liking the i needadifferntname freak proportions a bit wrong but im liking the top one with wide 3d nice
  10. prefer the second faze to the first stick with the second rec3 proportion is your key keep it straight and keep it simple zero the shades in the corners are ok but i cnt read what it seys it just looks like a bunch of nits n bobs put together make it so i can read it next time which by the way also means GO SIMPLER have a look on freightsrus.com and check back two pages and you will see a list of simple artists check there werk for inspiration only!
  11. summat like this just a little sketch exchange do me a vare if you feel like it some time peace out!
  12. wernt really feeling any of them viles to be blatent think you need to gt some more proportion in them letters and maybe try summat a bit simpler like light proportionate bubble letters ! think it might suit your style
  13. stick me in on that rest battle also
  14. High make them letters a bit thinner not much but just a bit and that should do the trick also take up my offer of trying a biro to draw there mych better and dont use coours yet theres no need just basic oulines and simples yeah if you do colour use one coulour fills and outlines simples
  15. ill be up for the fork battle pm me if it kicks off ill smak my entry in quezyfunk for boston 1 for aime wets battle edogg for shamu
  16. i dont get ya "the over lap of the letters looks fine to me on a few of them can you be more specific please!!!! then maybe ill get some where quicker cheers!!!
  17. few more i managed to churn out !!!!
  18. get rid of the arrows mate not doing it any favours by being there!
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