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DallasIsDead last won the day on September 1 2004

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  1. why don't you just get it before he does? or why don't you go find another place to bomb? its that simple. duh.
  2. damn, you beat me to it. hahaha.
  3. man, i hit those a lot. the best thing is going behind a walmart with a bandana and gloves and hittin up on a few of them. no one owns those ho's but walmart. but whats great is when you're out bombing and you go behind some random strip mall and theres a trucker sleepin, you bomb his shit then throw something at his window(not something that could break it, jackass.) and wake that fool up. he'll get out and start kicking the ground and chasin your ass. but their too fat normally, so they run for about 3 seconds then give up.
  4. he didn't ask me what i was doing, i didn't say what i was doing. i don't think of all cops as pigs, oinkers, or anthing like that. hell, i'm trying to become a cop. well, within the next few years at least. just that one particular cop was a fat piece of shit that had nothing better to do. thats why i reffered to him as an oinker. i've already said this. read damnit. i know htey have to do their job, but in that area, theres more than just graffiti going on. theres robberies, drug dealing, kids breaking curfew, and shit like that. i wasn't doing any of the above. just an 18 year old kid in the wrong place at the wrong time. and porque, i wasn't being a dick towards what you were saying, only the peopel that totally flamed my ass ofr no apparent reason.
  5. i got flamed for no reason. and i like taking photos in the dark, it gives them the whole graffiti at nightime thing. if you're just going to flame me, then get a life. go paint or something.
  6. I'm 18, dick. I called this specific one an oinker for the sole purpose that he was a fat piece of shit. I had no paint, markers, or anything for graffiti in my car or on my person. Thus he has no reason to harass me about graffiti. I said "fuck" mainly because i was pissed off that i had jsut been arrested for a bullshit reason. the judge even knew that. anyone would be pissed off for getting arrested for photographing a peice of art. its like me getting arrested for taking pictures of a van gogh or monet painting. get off my fucking back. i'm not some shit talking little 15 year old. I addressed the cop as sir. i showed respect to him and he threw me to the fucking ground. i never once called him an oinker or pig. i never once insulted him. and when i said, "you guys have nothing to fucking do, do you?" would maybe be the closest disrespect i caused them. fuck off. i'll paint where i please. and i'll paint how i please. and i'm on camera being bullied by a cop. if you thought my attitude was harsh... then i'd love to see you get locked up for taking a fucking picture.
  7. So I was out tonight until about 12:30am. I was just photographing some bombs. Not writing anything. Well, some oinker rolls up and I say, "Hey, is there a problem?" He replies, "I had a report of vandilism around here." So he proceeds to throw me to the ground after I resisted and unlawful arrest. Take it, these bombs were from almost six months ago. Its obvious as well. They were somewhat fading. But anyways, this oinker throws me in the back of his car face first. Didn't even read me my Meranda Rights. Which is a requirement stated in the code of ethics for officers of the law. I end up being pulled out of the car by my legs(for the fact that i wasn't able to sit up due to lack of space.) and was shoved through the electronic doors and into the detainee office. They take my belongings after I put up a fight for my rights saying, "So photography is illegal now? Wow, you guys have nothign to fucking do, do you?" I was barked at by several officers for saying fuck in front of my "elders." I told them to "bite me." They take my info down and I don't say a single word. They tell me to make a phone call, but I decline the offer. They throw me in a cell with a blanket and a coffee mug. 2 hours later, the judge comes by and I told him to let me the fuck out and let me call my lawyer. (Seeing as i don't have one, it just felt like the right hting to say, plus i've wanted ot say that for a while.) they let me out of the cell, and i start to pick up the phone and i ask the oinker, "what is it i'm in for again?" His dumbass response was, "photographing graffiti.".......... long pause then the judge let me go. all i hear in the background is yelling about a civil suit against the police department. now my question is, do i have room to file a lawsuit for and unlawful arrest and harassment?
  8. atari game cartridge mop..... materials: Atari Game Cartridge(duh) flat and phillips head screw drivers or a knife epoxy or silicon sealant the ink of your choice and the nub should be either part of a sock or felt.(foam doesn't cut it.) this is simple. 1. find an atari game cartridge. 2. find the screw in the the middle and cut the sticker around it and unscrew. 3. with your knife or flat head screwdriver pry open the case. Be careful not to break the clips. 4. remove the chip and the spring. keep the movable plastic piece though. 5. on the edges of the cartridge, put on your sealant. Put back together. 6. Seal the outside cracks as well. 7. fill with your choice of ink.(this is not a refillable mop. but it will last you a long while.) 8. Smear your sealant on the inside of the bottom part.(this is where your sock/felt will go.) remember to hold the cartridge upright or else your ink will pour out. 9. jam the sock or felt into the opening and get it stuffed in there good. 10. let dry for a few minutes while placing it upright on your workspace. 11. go paint. the cap can be just about anything. mine is a piece of folded cardboard wrapped in duct tape. and just in case you don't want any leaks if you didn't seal it right, wrap that ho in duct tape and you'll be fine. there you go. have fun.
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