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Everything posted by MANOWAR

  1. Fat people with tiny heads and boob sweat climbing ladders.
  2. no, thats the "MP Wariourz KRU"
  3. http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00442165f00000060.jpg'> :rolleyes:
  4. Re: ... The second picture looks like my spine.
  5. Sorry buddy boy your not an "idot" , your just a Mr. Jokey Man.
  6. That is a picture of GWAR idiots, pretty much the sweetest band ever.
  7. xDEATHBEDx this friday!! location-old spooky graveyard playing with other fine acts such as... "Burning the wings of the Kozmo" "Titanica" " Torn apart by a wolf PAK" and special guest appearance by... " Dying in the arms of Loaf"
  8. If you guys are looking for a band that will really eat your face, come check out my band we are called "xDeathBedx"...we have one hit single entitled "BloodLoaf" . yeah we really whale.
  9. mickey rourke as "THE COOK" blew his methlab all up.
  10. http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00442167f00000053.jpg'> http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00442167f00000055.jpg'> http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00442167f00000056.jpg'> http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00442167f00000058.jpg'>
  11. you probaly have barbed wire tatoos and dragon decals on your car too.
  12. http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00442165f00000058.jpg'> http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00442165f00000050.jpg'> http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00442165f00000051.jpg'>
  13. This guy...;) http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00442165f00000052.jpg'>
  14. Nice picture Justin, that's all i wanted to say I have to go listen to some Nu-Rican Top Hat Jazz now.
  15. Dear Fantom, thank you, your package arrived this afternoon, yours will be sent out shortly.
  16. seeking- You think I am always insulting you, thats just a bunch of malarchy. Just so you know i have garbage truck loads of respect for you , my fault for coming off like i was aiming my comments toward you. I just wanted you to know that. This thread should be looked upon as a knowledge breifing..for those of you who get pissed at what all the "older" people are saying, go slap a ass because with age comes wisdom, I don't really know why i am writing this anyway..drunken boredom for the most part and also to clear some things up. Anways..is there nothing new going on this city or just no pictures of it? p.s Drunk ass hillbilly neighbors with sleevless Nascar shirts playing air guitar at 3:00 a.m piss me off a lot.
  17. http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00442165f00000041.jpg'> http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00442165f00000042.jpg'> http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00442165f00000045.jpg'>
  18. I just wanted to use the "David Lee Roth sized ego" line to be complety honest. It wasn't directed towards any at all. I hear you though, my fault.
  19. Seeking, i don't think you are a vagina or have a huge head and I don't know anything about Detroit.
  20. j.c???? who's that? Jose Canseco?
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