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Posts posted by MANOWAR

  1. On another note, I am not a fan of meatloaf and deatherbedderonersmokeweedeverydayer, But that turkey is hot. And you dudes are getting up a lot, I have noticed a few in your face spots...so.......props to you fellars.

  2. I have never even seen an "isor" peice , I'm pretty bummed out you know..But that shit on woodward is straight butthole, I give you props for the spot or whatever but..that's about all. Personally i just don't like when people paint ,cans of paint or "paint nozzles" i don't know maybe I am just not hip hop enough. But, Mr. Burner keep on burnin' But is there really a need to talk shit.? Because Oral is a fucking monster and will surely "burn" your nose off your face.

  3. get angry at this silly message board all you want. Bitch about the few flicks that actually get posted. Complain all you will about the amount of "quality" or "integrity" the few writers that paint possess. This shit is just retarded. This thread is plauged with desk-job oners and fucking geeks who wish that they painted. So, hate all you want.


    This reply goes out to fallen off wanta be's that desperatly miss the glory days they never had.

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