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Posts posted by ChaR'04

  1. i phrased that wrong. i didn't mean "cut" as in "scratch." i was talking more about editing tracks, basically sampling from MP3. Also, just being able to layer the MP3's into a timeline to create a mix. see, i don't even know what i'm looking for. i didn't expect her to get me this gift, and i'm not sure why she did. so now i'm trying to figure out what possibilities are attached to it, before i return it.


    thanks for the input though. with that virtual dj program, do i need two tables, or can i just hook up the one i have, and work with that.




    I think what you need is http://www.ableton.com/live

  2. I've been lurking since my join date. Came on 12oz to look at the graffiti and that originally. I'll occasionally post stuff. I'm pretty much up on all the ch0 goings on. I too will often begin to type a reply then think "fuck it" and backspace. safe

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  3. are you impressed with your work at 15? do you want to see what everyone else on the board was doing at 15? do you want to see everyone's superimposed photoshop images?

    i wont say your stuff is bad, or that you should never post, just please be conscious of what you contribute.



    Impressed? No. Proud, yes. Do I think they are the most amazing thing ever? Fuck no.


    "do you want to see what everyone else on the board was doing at 15?"


    Why the hell would I want to see everyone else on the board? I would be quite interested in seeing what you or joker, or any of the other abstract contributors were up to when they were younger though. I think examples of artistic progression are quite worthy, how are you going to know were someone is at the moment if you don't know where they have come from?


    "do you want to see everyone's superimposed photoshop images?"

    At least I didn't use filters.


    Obviously I'm not an abstract artist

  4. I'm loving this thread, dope stuff from joker and seeking. Here's a couple of my things.


    This is from back when I was 15. Colour pencils and black pen.



    Another one from when I was 15. Acrylics.



    This is from 2007, original artwork for a CD. Photoshop.



    Another from 2007, same theme. Photoshop.


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