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Posts posted by shirkone

  1. Alright everyone, I need a quick opinion. Going for my first Film SLR since I'm bored of digital. I can get my hands on a Canon EOS 3000. Are they decent enough? And is it worth paying 40 pounds (about $65) for? Thanks.

  2. The first time I got back on my board after the sleazy winter weather, I was trying a really simple back heel, nothing dangerous, and somehow I landed wrong and tore the ligaments in my ankle. Fucking bummer. it's been two weeks now but my ankle isn't 100% yet so I gotta deal with rolling for now, did a couple of shove its and bigspins, not trying flips yet though just incase! I bought some pure white RBK DGKs from usa when I went over, not skated them yet, are they any good? They seem a bit chunky for me I dunno. Can't beat $30 though :D

  3. I'm really behind on the conversation :( I only just bought Fully Flared yesterday, watched the intro and mike mo section so far. Intro is so epic! and mike mo has some furious lines man, switch back tail big flip aswell :| I'm guessing the majority of people here aren't really from england? When I went usa it was so hard to find NikeSB shoes.

  4. yo I seen that new Mystery vid, Black and White. Watch it if you haven't, Jimmy Carlins section is so dope, i'm really feeling tailslide front bigspin for real!! Still yet to see Fully Flared but theres a premiere in my town pretty soon so should be rad :D

  5. Here's my thoughts on movies i've seen lately.



    Watched a trailer and heard about it a bit on here, thought it would be pretty sick movie.

    Found it in a shop for 10 pound so I thought yeah buy it.

    Sat down and watched it all, you know, gave it a chance.

    It ran a bit slowly at the start and they were using words bigger than those in my vocabulary.

    By the end I loved it. So many loose ends and possibilities. I really like the camera angles and all that. It just goes to show you don't need special effects to make a good movie, just an amazingly good story and concept.


    A History Of Violence

    Not heard a lot about this movie but thought it might be watchable.

    Was gonna buy it once upon a time but wasn't too sure whether it was worth it.

    I thought it was a really good movie, kept me interested and I loved the violence it made me laugh it's so cool. But I think it was a bit boring since his wife finds out stuff etc. up to where he meets his brother and sits in that room. Then all of a sudden, mad violence again so I was interested again and the ending wasn't too bad at all.

    Really good film overall You should definately try and get a copy to watch.


    Brotherhood Of The Wolf

    The front cover and back cover look amazing! Typography on it is crap though lol.

    But the cover is worth the 7 pound I spent on it for definate.

    The film, not so good. I'm interested in the actual story it's based on (The Beast Of Gevauden or something) and I like the extra feature on the DVD of an interview with the book writer.

    I think the first scene of where they save them people from getting beat up is alright because I like how they have covered faces, it's raining, they jump off the horse and the puddle splashes. But the rest of the film is really uninteresting. I just don't like the whole feel of 1794. Bloody judge wigs and rifles.

    The fights in the film are really shit, they show no good coreography (I haven't a clue how you spell it) and so boring to watch :(

    When it shows the beast, I think it ruins it. The computer graphics are awful and the beast looked too futuristic. I know it was wearing armour but it was still too alien like.

    I'm glad the film picked up slightly at the end or I would have snapped the DVD as soon as the credits rolled.

    But as it stands, it's not worth buying. Maybe watch it if it's on TV and you are that bored, but definately don't buy it, I thought it was a let down.


    The Fly

    It was good. Kept me interested all the way through. It moves fast so there isn't too much boring dialogue. The violence and visual effects are well funny and it made me laugh to see the fly puking on that guys hand, but at the same time it made me want to faint. It also has a good ending that doesn't leave you puzzled or bored, it's wrapped up quite nicely. It's a good film, worth spending 90 minutes having a look!


    The Big Lebowski

    For some reason I thought that this movie might not be what it's cracked up to be. I was wrong as fuck. Such a funny movie. I love John Goodmans character. "8 year olds dude".

    This had loads of laughs and introduced new characters all the way through. It has a good storyline that keeps you interested until the end.





    Now out of my DVD collection i've gotta watch Straw Dogs (any good anyone?), The Untouchables, Twelve Monkeys and Raging Bull.

  6. I need to stop holding my camera on a tilt. I have a Jeremy Beadle hand I think.

    Here is the introduction of borders into my work. Even though they are wonky, but you

    get the jist...







    And here are some victorian style photos I tried to create...Which are also tilted...






    Criticism please :)

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