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Everything posted by fr8UNIT

  1. fr8UNIT


    keep the flicks coming....cuts down on shit talking.....i'll post some up soon
  2. thanks for the unit/cuez flick...needed a daytime of that
  3. and the dude repae.. who still owes me flicks..
  4. my boys...sek/thus/dahm...armn nice post
  5. ton of locals...nice post sek amer arek ketch tre chip navy8 fire...
  6. fr8UNIT


    yo borf, i think he means BS as in BULLSHIT.....either way BS would burn you, sucka
  7. arek sek ketch ugly glue ges wholecar is bangin mber jerk
  8. that prism wholecar is hot...not to mention the vizie and eulogy kem ges lyes sigh phone
  9. fr8UNIT


    some from this past fall, dug up some old ones
  10. damn flow....always hot a hot ass post..too many to name
  11. fr8UNIT


    More from this past week plus missing tropicanas from frankyjones earlier post teket thus dusk sek teket unit unit dusk...while rolling out unit
  12. Always a treat....keep up the good work
  13. fr8UNIT


    I wish I didn't pass out so early from crushing that bottle of Belvedere so i could have seen Sek's girl's boobies too.......that ice luge fucked me over too
  14. the derailment was actually caused by the crew of the trainthat was parked on the siding. They never switched the switch back to the main line after they parked their train on the siding. http://edition.cnn.com/2005/US/01/10/train.wreck.ap/ article and pictures
  15. nice post......i agree about that mean
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