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Ko SprueOne

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Everything posted by Ko SprueOne

  1. Make some ill robot shit - kitmash Wow, fantastic concept design drawing! Details, man. Looks like, start with Gundam kits. But it depends on what scale you intend to flesh these out to. Most of the Star Wars models were various military model parts of various scales kitmashed. But for the droids, there was mostly scratch building and thermal forming. In your drawing, I'm seeing some Gundam, Ma.K., and electrical components parts in there somehow. I got boxes of extra DC electrical stuff. There's also everyday stuff from consumer product containers that are normally thrown away. Here's a couple links I have bookmarked of other people's work: Maschinen Krieger Ma.K. Jukabala Junkyard
  2. Rachel Corrie in Rafah, Gaza Strip, Palestine diorama 1/35 scale diorama of Rachel Corrie in Rafah, Gaza Strip, Palestine, on March 16, 2003. inprogress more painting and ground work to be completed.
  3. Re: model planes not plains My O C D kicks my A D D 's ass. :scrambled: keep building those kits, man. I don't build planes so if you need a new restart up kit of one let me know, I got an extra. describe this skateboard gig.
  4. I used to make those too. very interesting career. have you seen the DVD documentary: ?
  5. Re: models... WWII airplanes go for it. then post the pics. in progress and complete, if available. I'm mostly into military armor, both scifi, modern, and historical.
  6. Re: models... plastic and glue head thanks, but an even cooler thread.
  7. armored wagon Kitmashed with a 1/25 scale NASCAR body over a 1/35 scale M2 Bradley IFV running gear.
  8. Re: MODEL TRAINS in Montreal try these. new trains are not cheap. I hunt through second hand stores and discount stores for mine. La Gare Du Hobby 5314 Belanger Est Loco-Passion Inc 5354 Belanger, Est http://www.locopassion.com Hobbie Universel 4660 Decarie Blvd Montreal-Nord Max Trains 4058 Rue Monselet #117 http://www.maxtrains.com http://www.udisco.com/hobbies/francais.htm http://www.canadacentral.org
  9. Re: MODEL TRAINS in store window display Store front window display. saw them and took a few pictures.
  10. this shot brings back memories of my old job. railing cars. nice picture, phunk.
  11. Re: Show me YOUR nutsack. yes, the same one, well, a duplicate, anyways.
  12. Re: Show me YOUR books. nah. if a mod doesn't like this thread then the mod just sparked more interest in it.
  13. Re: Show me YOUR Budhacase. I have one of those Budha figs in the garden.
  14. Re: Show me YOUR nutsack. ref: kirjasto.sci.fi/nmailer.htm '"I decided the only explanation is that God and the Devil are very attentive to people at the summit. I don't know if they stir much in the average man's daily stew, no great sport for spooks, I would suppose, in a ranch house, but do you expect God or the Devil left Lenin and Hitler and Churchill alone? No. They bid for favors and exact revenge. That's why men with power sometimes act so silly."' (from An American Dream, 1965) ref: kirjasto.sci.fi/nmailer.htm
  15. Re: Show me YOUR nutsack. haha...mod said, nuts ack.
  16. Re: Show me YOUR bookcase. Douglas Adams Douglas Adams and the .. guide to the galaxy, genius sh*t !
  17. a few more books on my bookcase. click on images for larger view. . . . click on images for larger view. . again, great thread. very interesting to see what other people have on their bookshelves. boosted or bought :lol:
  18. Norman Mailers article from ESQUIRE 1974, nice piece of your collection. Are those Dondi White rip books different versions or different languages or just the dust jackets?
  19. Good thread. but too many pictures of books and not enough bookcases. VAJ, very stylin. I would have never guessed any of you cats could read anyways, I can't, most of mine have a lot of big pictures. i'll post some more later.
  20. What materials did you ues to build these? The scale and detail look good as well as the weathering. where and when is the next show of these or series two?
  21. The Ghettoway car The Ghettoway car with devil bobble head on top Hoppin' '64 Impala Lowrider 1/25 scale Lindberg snapfit
  22. Close ups of Homies figures. click thumbs for large view http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r81/KoSprueOne/Homies/tiny_wants_icecream_4.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r81/KoSprueOne/Homies/remote_4.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r81/KoSprueOne/Homies/pom_pom_1.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r81/KoSprueOne/Homies/pom_pom_2.jpg
  23. Ko SprueOne


    click thumbs for larger view Hers and His http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r81/KoSprueOne/Bicycle/sprueone_20inch.jpg http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r81/KoSprueOne/Bicycle/sprueone_tenspeed.jpg
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