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Ko SprueOne

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Everything posted by Ko SprueOne

  1. Ko SprueOne


    The beach has a repair and maintenance station now
  2. Ko SprueOne


    no anomalies in the material of the inside of the tire sides like sharp or abrasive?
  3. a Raptor concerned with its daily consumption of beer
  4. If they are made like the '90s Toyota Sienna door handles then yeah. I replaced the door handles on my homie's van.
  5. @metronome Two books at the same time, wow, I've never tried that with exception to text books and 'own time' reading but even that's been a long time ago. I try to escape into and absorb the story I'm reading and I don't think I can do that with multiple books. Building scale models however, that's different. I'll have a few on the bench at the same time, LOL. Never kindled yet but read an on-line only story just recently on FB. Also by Peter Sexton. I follow him on FB and he has a link to the story there only.
  6. Mr. & Mrs. Time Gone By This is next based on my reading pattern of Fiction - Nonfiction - Fiction - Nonfiction...
  7. Good read. Stories written like a memoir. Full of smart humor. Many of you with creative careers or skill trade careers would relate. She describes the BS when people think that just because it's art, they must like doing it and so will do it for free or cheap. A lot of typos. I guess that's the publisher's fault.
  8. Sounds good, fast paced, violent, page turner
  9. Poppies, Lavender, and bees. Much more lush a few weeks ago
  10. Ko SprueOne

    Punk is Dead

    I can't delete the second and third repeat post so disregard those
  11. Ko SprueOne

    Punk is Dead

    Just heard about this... https://www.falloutsf.com
  12. I haven't built this one myself so I looked it up. The wings are designed to articulate like the real thing. Also, plenty of spare parts that will not be used so your friend can add them to his other models
  13. It does have a sort of, Cloud City, thing going on tho
  14. This is the most beautiful plant I've seen today, seriously. Deathstar is appropriate. I thought you were going to say something like, Ganjsai
  15. I've heard, Mike McGrath - You Bet Your Garden, say this is very difficult to do
  16. WILD FLOWERS ARE DICKS or WILD DAISIES ARE MARTIAL ARTISTS See the two daisy weeds circled. It's actually one plant. See pictures below. This morning I go out to pick this weed. I pinch just below (Aq) with my thumb and index finger. I didn't feel or hear that ripping roots sound so I look at what I am now holding. It snapped off at about (Ac). That section was growing out of the main stem at (Ab). This leaves (haha), The main root system (A1) and stem (Ab) intact. Sneaky MFrs I've now learned their defensive tactics and now conducting counter measure offensive operations. BTW, The poppies and lavender are kickin ass, pictures later
  17. I don't think I've ever considered that a use for bubble wrap until now. I also repurpose those plastic containers as, dust free, drying chambers for freshly painted models and subassemblies.
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