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Posts posted by Illuminati

  1. Dude she could always have an accident, maybe you give her a ride to the hospital and accidentally slam her side of the car into tree or something.


    But in all seriousness does she actually know your real name? If so you fucked up, you never let dumb bitches know your real name cause if they don't know that shit they can't track you down or put you down on any paperwork.

    It sounds to me like you are making the mistake of telling this chick you will be the father of this kid if she ends up keeping it. You need to make her know if she keeps the kid her life will be a living fucking hell. Also make her think its not yours by getting some doctor to tell her your sterile or some shit.

    As much as you want to do the responsible thing or whatever just know that anything to do with this chick is going to be a living fucking hell for the rest of your life. You live in chicago aren't there some ghetto hood rats you can pay a few bucks to to beat this chicks ass so hard she has an miscarriage or some shit? Seriously man this is the time you need to get creative in, focus all your energy on figuring out a way for her not to have that kid.

  2. Really IR what did you expect?


    Cops are nuts from what I hear, patrolling blocks in the area hard, even rolling up on peoples houses for having a window open and knocking on the door to make sure they are ok.





  3. bro beliiiiieve me man i tried talking every way i can to this broad..

    being all n nice and sweet, being reasonable and explaining the whole process and everything,

    conforting her supporting her anything and everything you can think of to try and convince a bitch

    to get an abortion or whatever believe me i tried.. i tried damn hard... im not no asshole or piece

    of shit nigga neither ill man up to my shit regardless weather if its me just admitting im wrong

    or even raising a child.. i always told myself ill never be THAT "dad" you know...? that nigga who

    really dont care about the child and is around every here and there.. and honestly she already said

    she was gonna tell "my child" how i didnt want them and wanted to "kill" them and tell them

    everything i said and she'll make sure they dont call anyone else daddy or anything since i am the father..

    shes a manipulator and a liar yo.. how u gonna admit and say your gonna go through the

    abortion 3 TIMES and try to get me to send you money for it then lie about it every time

    and NOT get it done.....? thats exactly why i cant believe anything she says or anything

    theres been too much bullshit i had to deal with during and before all this nonsense...

    but i really do hope i get this second job that way i can just save everything, get my car and L's back,

    then save up for this possible child of mine... thats really all i can do...


    also i hope she doesnt choose no dumbass name neither.....

    thats something we'll reeeeeeaaaally have to discuss cause i aint havin no fuckin donqueesha lookin ass name...


    Paragraphs dude i'm far to drunk to even try to read that right now since it lacks paragraphs.

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