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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. Ever since I was about 12 or 13 I've wanted a '64 Chevy Impala... if i ever hit the lottery that will definitely be a purchase. I'm loving those handstyles! Titties! Solid post.
  2. I'm in northern California... and i have no idea how I have it in my posession because I know deejay bird is from Chicago and I honestly can't remember how I got it, but i have his mixtape called "aerosolics" on cassette tape... it's a mixtape with a bunch of graffiti/train Hip Hop on it from the 90s... rappers like KRS1 and the Artifacts, etc.. pretty sick mixtape though..i think it came into my possession around 2000 or 2001. I only know of two writers that i knew back in the day that had connections to Chicago... one was raised there and one lived and painted there for a few years... maybe one of them gave me the mixtape🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
  3. When i see these weight loss commercials for women, am i the only one that thinks the before pictures look better than the after pictures? Like damn girl, you lost your booty, boobs, and tummy... now you look scrawny af!
  4. you should burn the 9er one....and the cowboys 🤣🤣
  5. Everytime i see someone wearing on Obey shirt, I'll tell them they should go see the movie they live
  6. I still have one of these. It's a football one... do y'all think it's worth any money?
  7. He looks hella angry in that first pic though
  8. I wanna say it was probably the military kids... traveling from one school to the next
  9. Oh, and this... "No butts, no cuts, no coconuts"
  10. @Schnitzel Yeah, the Cuf was a Hip Hop group around that time...i had their "cufdaddy" cd around that time... crazy to think that was 20 years ago... thanks for the trip down memory lane!
  11. @Schnitzel Holy Shit that's a throwback!!... Yes, that's definitely Sacramento... If i could give you props twice I would! I see some names I haven't seen in a minute! Dope! Lovin the Borg and Bron characters! At first I thought it could be an old Anomie mag (they used to do black and white issues too) but ive never even seen this mag.... how did this make it all the way in your neck of the woods?! Did you pick it up when you were on your world tour?..i remember you made it to Reno... but not Sac.... regardless thanks for posting it up.. there are some real gems in there!!
  12. I've kept my NBA Starter jacket from 1996 in storage and in pristine condition... only wear it to games on special occasion and always get props on it.
  13. Holy shit... no diss but i always thought your profile picture was a fat lady wearing a black bra! 😂
  14. Damn RIP Dee 😟
  15. What is favela? Tell me more about your people.
  16. Wait what? A rub n tug is close by or sports clips is close enough to being a rub and tug? I mean, i go to sports clips and I'd let my stylist give me a rub and tug. She's chubby and you know how i like the chubby ones. Team chubb lubb in full effect!
  17. Yesterday: Trump literally said that the national stockpile is NOT for states... it's for the federal government. Yeah... for the federal government to pass out to the states you fucking dumbass!
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