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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. I still don't know why we didn't meet up for lunch or something when i was out in Vegas a few years ago.
  2. Globally to stay inside probably won't happen...but we can control our own citizens if all states AND the federal government put a stay at home order in place until were past this. And as to where im seeing this? Please.. just Google "coronavirus testing shortage" and then click on the news tab....i just did and more than 10 results on the first page alone. Government dropped the ball with resources ... lack of reagents, lack of swabs... just like they dropped the ball on ppe. (Edit: one word....procurement) That nigga trump even said the national stockpile is for the federal government... not the states...wtf ...seriously?! Look if you wanna go out, that's on you... if you want people to go out, that's on you... and if we "open the country" on May 1st and cases increase, i won't even say "i told you so" But as far as my opinion.... opening the country on may 1st is too premature....we keep this up and we'll surpass 50,000 deaths. Especially since we're seeing over 2000 a day.
  3. It actually is that simple...no host, no virus replication, no virus... here's an analogy... no women... no babies... no people. Globally concerted effort... you'd be surprised with collaboration efforts globally to find a vaccine. Yes, trafficking and smuggling is a threat albeit small...i loathe trump but shutting down incoming flights was the right thing to do... the vaccine could take a while..it is what it is... how long do we stop entry?...as long as it takes... mutate?... the genetic material mutates, not the structure... you prevent the virus from binding to the receptors, it doesn't matter if the genetic material mutates... you probably didn't even watch the YouTube video i posted... neither did the people that liked your comment i bet smfh. Quarantine and social distance are not the saving grace but they're a fucking damn good start... people that refuse to do that shit are fucking idiots and are exposing themselves to being host carriers... normally I'd say fuck it... you go out and get it and die?... good riddance... the only problem now is those people put people like my parents at risk.... so still fuck them... but stay the fuck at home. We do need a long term plan... that starts with TESTING.. but wtf... why are we not doing this...oh yeah, our government dropped the ball. Look... bottom line is people need to stop spreading this until a vaccine is found... until then, stay away from others.. stay inside...fucking A! My original point is the virus is going to infect ANYBODY that is exposed to it... black, white, yellow, brown, old, young, Republican, Democrat, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, whatever. DON'T BE AN IDIOT, STAY THE FUCK HOME!!
  4. Anybody watch the DJ Premier vs RZA battle on Instagram live?
  5. European vacation or God i miss Jack?
  6. Nice...i read kitchen confidential a few years ago... my book had a different cover though
  7. Name the movie "God I miss Jack"
  8. Here...i found this video on YouTube that explains replication, genetic material, protein coat, etc.
  9. Viruses need a host (which humans are) in order to replicate their genetic material by taking over our cells. On surfaces, the virus will eventually "die" (although its more about protein denaturing)... so no the virus doesn't just hang around...... it's actually pretty fragile on surfaces according to researchers. The idea is to flatten the curve for risk mitigation...but in reality if we stay home and don't become hosts and those infected that stay home and either recover or pass away ... and add vaccines to prevent future outbreaks..we can beat this
  10. My lunch is over. I'll be back on to explain why i think the general health of everyone is more important than everything else
  11. My lunch break is over but Google it... You can even skip the CNN and WAPO articles if you think they're biased.
  12. When your rights infringes on my right to be healthy, we got problems. I swear if i get sick because some idiot wanted to go to work coughing and hacking and shit I'll be on some fuck everybody type shit
  13. What's the point of going back to work if it's going to get you sick? I like money, i like my livelihood too. I like my health and life better. I'd rather be an alive and healthy homeless person than a wealthy sick or dead person.
  14. You test so you can get the sick population to isolate. Not fatal doesn't mean it still won't cause scar tissue on your lungs and inhibit your lung function for the rest of your life... people see the recovery numbers and get a false sense of security... recovery doesn't mean you won't have permanent problems
  15. We test, test, test, test... Meanwhile, stay at home... shelter in place.. including the fucking idiot states fucking this up cause "mah rights to worship jeezus an congreegate" Continue stimulus aid for a few months. This isn't going to last "forever" .. if we are more strict, we can be done with this in months.. not years. Lastly, come together...as a country... stop interjecting politics into it... put your money where your mouth is and support small businesses... order food from local restaurants... contactless deliveries, etc etc.. there's no reason that the best country in the world is dropping the ball so fucking hard Shit pisses me off
  16. Shut down the world... yes this is exactly what i meant... seriously? Smh Bruh... how the hell are you going to pick a date to reopen things back up? Send people back to work? Easter? May 1st?.. pick a date any date... it doesn't fucking matter.. it's a fucking virus... open shit soon and people WILL get infected Sure, we can let healthy people go back to work... but whos healthy? People are asymptomatic...i guess we could test everybody.. but oh yeah that's right...we don't have enough fucking tests to do that cause of of our fucking inept ass government. South Korea making us look fucking dumb rn. We don't have enough ppe. 3000 people died on Sept 11th and the country became unified and looked out for each other...19 years later and almost 30,000 deaths and people are divided as fuck. Wack.
  17. How is saying to stay the fuck home because anybody can catch this fear mongering? When i hear a governor say some shit like "we're not China" or the governor in south Dakota say we're not going to do what looks good.... this ain't about party... it's not about optics... its about public health you dumb motherfuckers (not directed at you saint)
  18. gonna go finish watching the Evil Genius documentary on Netflix in a bit
  19. yo man... when this shit first hit i saw memes talking about "boomer doomer" because young people thought they couldnt die from it...only old people could.....a few weeks later and im seeing hella people of all ages dying from it. also I saw memes and shit where people were saying black people couldnt get it (there was even a meme about it here on 12oz).....a few weeks later and not only are black people dying from it, all races are dying from it. now i see certain state governors talking about our conservative state and its citizens cant die from it (so therefore no stay at home orders)......guess what?....the virus doesnt give a FUCK if youre democrat or republican.... the shit has the potential to kill ANYBODY. maybe I'm biased cause I was a science major and I did scientific research while at school and after graduating as my first post college job....but seriously....STAY THE FUCK HOME.
  20. Cobra and They Live are definitely cheesy, but amazing. My ex had never seen either, so we did a Cobra/They Live marathon.
  21. I still have roughly 60 of these from the first through third releases. mint condition. anybody know if theyre worth anything? and grape flavored big league chew was my go to chewing gum in 5th and 6th grade.
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