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angry orphan

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Posts posted by angry orphan

  1. well that was backwards... you should be posting a few select ones if you wanna sell the mag.. not a bunch of shitty ones and some dope ones that NONE of wich will be in the mag... plus its half euro mag??? i'm confused but i think i'll keep my 8.50 unless i got benched of course.

  2. wow, i guess everyone has thrown caution to the wind, and all those times we would chase people outta yards or get chased ourselves, get in arguments over a tag on a silver signal box, shouting matches about leaving a can behind in that very yard, doing one to many pieces on a line, guess it was all a failed effort.

    Guess the old adage, "don't shit where you eat" is no longer used in this city. sad. I miss the days of old.

    Oh well, guess i'm just a old bitter freight head.


    yea well you can't help little toys coming in and doing it so if you can't beat em... join em... besides that, they hardly lay up there and its been burnt. for years... so you maybe haven't been in the yards in awhile.. but they don't all look like that.

  3. agggggaaahaha

    young bloks is gonna be dope, why else would the big dogs help a little dude out... and if you quit writing what the fuck are you doing on here??? also don't you have to be established before you quit? that doesn't make any sense...

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