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Everything posted by cthulu

  1. am has fucked up on more than one occasion... I say blast them shits...
  2. not as shitty as being so lame that you have to talk about others shit...why not post the mesko over mako?
  3. my homeboy jomer... my homeboys leder and bars too...
  4. and when the throwie is there already and you paint next to it...
  5. that bars is definitely illen'...
  6. extra hard if you ask me...
  7. fuck the haters... NSM is fresh!!!
  8. other than the fact that cope likes to have his friends selectively buff carolinians off of prodos? NOTHING!!
  9. the difference is style... pyle has it..the rest you named don't.. plain and simple..
  10. " special K.. every dancer needs a street name.."
  11. fuck yes!!! that shit is fire!!
  12. yeah liking that sine for sure... nice work..
  13. that gage wicket!! moms!!
  14. your right about the being high part...
  15. the fall crop of noobs are ripe..
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