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Everything posted by earmuffs

  1. i did when i was real yo ng but traded my bike for a skateboard. hipster= old ten speed or fixed gears bike
  2. what kind of bike.. dont say some gay hipster type bike either
  3. fuck had internet problems the last two days... life still sucks tho, on a good note i may go back to seattle tomorrow... i havent skated in months.. i fell off... Vancouver has like 30 parks in the city area heres one i want to skate when and if i ever go back there... September 10, 2004 (No. 68) - Vancouver’s first designated street-style skateboard plaza has now opened under the Georgia Viaduct at the intersection of Union and Quebec Streets. Located on a city right-of-way, the covered 26,000 square foot site features elements enjoyed by urban skaters including replica rails, embankments, curbs, walls, ramps, steps and open spaces along with a variety of textures and surfaces such as exposed aggregate, brick, concrete, granite and steel. The Vancouver Downtown Skateboard Plaza is a joint project of the City of Vancouver and the Vancouver Park Board. It was constructed by New Line Skateparks at a cost of $250,000 with design input from the Vancouver Skate Park Coalition. The official opening of the new skate plaza is slated for Saturday, September 25th at 11 am with representatives of the City, Park Board and the skate community. wish i could find better pics...... heres my old park i locc'ed it at doesnt look like much but it was fun the RDS Park from vancouver...
  4. and right now theres a open house showing here so fools keep coming in my room
  5. man i had a rock throwen thru my back window once, shit was outta town too so it stayed like that for a week. good thing it was summer.
  6. man id kill to be able to go out to a club right now
  7. well i amy take my ass outside to catch some tags... maybe.
  8. i meant physically, menatlly i am always there
  9. nigga read my signature...... thats all you need
  10. atleast make him rack yo markers or some shit
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