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Everything posted by earmuffs

  1. i just saw a kid git hit in the face with a snowball, he was wearing glasses and it gave him a bleeding nose..haha
  2. hahah dood you wouldve laughed too.. one time when i was about 17 i was with my mom and we saw this old guy go to step over a curb but tripped, landed straight on his face... now that was funny...
  3. hahahaah that reminds me.... did anyone see the the teen awards? well you know the girl surfer who had her arm bit off by a shark? she was givin an a award for courage and when she got up to walk up on stage she tripped all retarded like.. pure comedy
  4. damn the tony hawk would be a hard one to do
  5. well the cold front has passed and on comes the rain to melt all the snow.... thank god!
  6. thats what ive been using and for some reason it wont let me burn audio cd's, but I can burn everything else.
  7. I just had all my beer blow up cuz of the cold weather :mad2:
  8. was gonna go benching but its way too fuckin cold out.. so im gonna take a nap.
  9. maybe fantom program, but im not too sure
  10. 10 degrees here and sunny now its about 5 degrees
  11. MGD is my favorite in Canada... Krie.... kokanee is good... I grew up next to the factory in a small town called Creston. kokanee gold is good too. I couldve grabbed more but didnt.. I already ahd about 30 while i was at his house.
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