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Everything posted by earmuffs

  1. Im in a town called Vernon, but im leaving here in a couple days.. and no I cant write a rhyme about it.
  2. I forgot how much the town I'm in right now sucks.
  3. i just rock a hub at my house... alot cheaper
  4. another good one to use cloner is... " I cant come to work because I have severe diarrhea" This is serious... who would think you were making some shit (no pun intended) up.
  5. I really need a desk. This laying on my bed typing shit isnt going over well.... and on a side note I just spilt black staining ink all over my kitchen counter tops
  6. ex girls to next girls nigga..... but Im in no way to be giving relationship advice.
  7. not much man... fell off a cliff and injured my back so I havent ben able to do anything but drink beer and sparks. You still in Spoke?
  8. just saw this now..... Yup i've been away. Just working alot and only had internet at work. But now that I injured my back and cant work or should I say wont work. I have internet at home again so it on.
  9. well got the headquarters up and running in my room again. MAN THE COMPUTERS
  10. Man its been a minute.. Well I fell 15 fet of a cliff onto my back so I havent been able to work or walk... Hopefully I'll get a good insurance settlement so I can go see my wife. RIP Big Krie One
  11. my work computer has a gaurd on it so it restricts what i can look at, anyone know a way around this?
  12. What up fools? Haven't been on here in a while. My work computer only allows me to go on metalheads and brick slayers. For some odd reason it doesn't let me get on channel 0, but i found a way to get into this thread tho.
  13. double replied... no returnsies i like this one :nope:
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