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Everything posted by earmuffs

  1. agreed my nigga thas all i ride since 95.
  2. I got the hook up there ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  3. i best place for boards that ive seen is ebay.. 5 girl/chocolate boards for 100
  4. yup pj ladd killed it in that video
  5. damn those girls actually had really good style.. far better than most girls these days
  6. dood that kickflip shit is so true
  7. i have the day off and may go bench, but its windy as fuck where im at. EarMuffs.
  8. i might go hit some benches tomorrow
  9. thats was set up in the back of Rick Mcranks Shop for a tribute to my boy who was killed.
  10. fuck vert skaters. keep it street niggas
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