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Everything posted by earmuffs

  1. I found a nice ditch on Post..
  2. im getting the ratbones tattooed.
  3. I did!!! you nerver responded back.
  4. I hope they are buildng one there..
  5. wait.... Moogle arent you black???? cuz if not.. just like when I found out irashcarbombs wasnt black I lost a lot of resect for a nigga.
  6. i cant find shit.. I might just try a hub .. now why doesnt my laptop work with the ethernet.. i think comcast must have something to do with it.. IP or some type shit,
  7. yeah Ive been trying for a few days.. try isohunt.com
  8. i cannot get this router to work on 2 macs.. one desktop and one laptop.. i try to hook my laptop up to the ethernet off the modem and nothing.. do you tink I have to call comcast or something..
  9. I was just passing through.. I think i may have stopped at a road runner..
  10. fuck no... I onl had to deal with snow for 2 years wheres I was at in Alberta... Vancouver never got snow.. But yeah i wont miss it.. I got pulled over in Wisconsin by a black cop was that you moogle?
  11. oh and im dog chapman.. this is my old account i got back.
  12. houston... im the newest member of the geto boys.
  13. I live in Maryland at the moment, but moving to Texas in a couple months.. Was working my ass off in the Oolfield but now Im just chilling till i get to texas.. Going to New York on monday.. drove from Northern Alberta to Marylad in a Mitsubishi Lancer full of my stuff including my cat.. shit was like 2500 miles I basically didnt sleep.. It was nice though got to see alot of cities and shit.. Looking forward to the drive to texas. Get to see almost all of the south. my son is due on October 14th. no name yet.
  14. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear American Credit card companies thanks for giving me a credit card the same day I got my SSN.
  15. downtown Baltimore looks like it has a lot of ill spots.. Gonna have o sneak off by myself and check it out one day soon.
  16. earmuffs


    got these yesterday
  17. anyone know some good shops in the baltimore area?
  18. for real.. shit is mad fagsexual.
  19. earmuffs


    the wife bought me these...
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