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Everything posted by earmuffs

  1. i remember that shit.. remember Mike V truckin as security guard too
  2. had a famous one right near my house in Vancouver... youv'e seen it in videos bank to yellow barrier.. pavement was really rough.
  3. for all you long board gaywads....
  4. http://cgi.ebay.com/SAN-ANTONIO-SPURS-HAT-CAP-1990S-RARE-VINTAGE-STARTER_W0QQitemZ270187423165QQihZ017QQcategoryZ14065QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  5. why not ride a regular skateboard??????????????????
  6. im gonna look into that pre order...
  7. ok so that worked for a couple minutes.. well sorta my laptop couldnt find the wireless connection. but now i keep trying it and it wont work.. sometimes i miss my PC
  8. YOU WOULD THINK WITH $6000 IN MAC COMPUTERS I WOULD.... be able to hook up a fucking router.. but NO. I call Belkin nothing I call comcast nothing.. I cant even get my laptop to work right off the modem! keeps saying it has a self assign IP and may not connect to the internet!!!!!! :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2:
  9. read this on a forum.... "it was the chronological order of when each person got on lakai" highly doubt its true.
  10. i think mariano or koston are gonna have the last part.
  11. earmuffs


    part of the perks my nig.
  12. doesnt look like the above pic worked...
  13. i was looking for NYC but haven't seen anything. maybe i can get a friend in vancouver to film it for us!
  14. thats the thing i miss about living in vancouver.. we got all the video premiers... I doubt its showing any where around here.
  15. my father in law has an old 8mm camera so im in the works of putting all my footy from 10 years ago onto the computer... heres josh evin in 1995
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