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Everything posted by earmuffs

  1. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Airlines.. why the fuck are you so expensive in January.. you are ruining my plans!
  2. you can find SB's at most skateboard shops... unless you want some exclusive shit..
  3. I heard Turner is skating again.. I think it might be for Mike Yorks company.. I could be wrong.
  4. theres always someone chillin at the SF store...
  5. video was ill.. Carroll, Guy and Mike Mo!
  6. Guy Mariano and Rick Howard are my two favorite skateboarders.
  7. I just messaged my boy to see if he can send me the video and some Avers shoes. if not Ill see if I can go buy it some where around here.
  8. might have to venture out later in the snow and cop it..
  9. just sold some Hubba Wheels for 12.22 on ebay.. ughh.
  10. hmm.. I know I have a Chocolate board in my trunk.. are you looking to buy a new deck?
  11. i have some product... what are you looking for?
  12. http://cgi.ebay.com/Vintage-Powell-Peralta-Bucky-Lasek-Cinema-Deck-Board_W0QQitemZ320192452313QQihZ011QQcategoryZ16263QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem#ebayphotohosting
  13. you're talking shit on Haslam and you think Bam is tight..
  14. man... i had so many at my moms house but she made me clear out all my stuff stored there so i just tossed them...
  15. womphead is a fucking idiot.. negative props.. you obviously haven't seen many videos with Haslam in it
  16. theres still scribes in vancouver that guy and gabriel rodriguez from like 95.. Ill get someone to go get a flick.
  17. Chris Haslam slays anyone on mini ramp
  18. it was capped when i was there
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