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Everything posted by CILONE/SK

  1. https://www.cnn.com/2019/06/25/americas/mexico-photo-of-father-and-daughter-dead-in-rio-grande/index.html I just saw this photo and realized the impact it had on me. The photo itself is iconic, but it shouldn’t undermine the story behind it. As a parent, I cannot imagine an end to my child’s life like this. What at are your thoughts?
  2. I really think the 12 oz in that font on the front and nothing on the back would look good and sell more. Subtlety


    I find this to be an extremely naive statement. Historically, people left to their own devices, descend into death and violence, which is why humans tend to drift into groups with leaders and laws. Organized religion has been in place as governments for the most part during many parts of human history, this has led to kings and rulers of all types. I take it that you are ok with a king, but not government. I also take it that you believe people to be generally morally upstanding. I would tend to disagree with you on any of that. I also find find it funny that you do not want any government, but you seem to have zero problems with corporations using their money to essentially deny you the ability of choice and freedom, just to make a higher profit.
  4. And you got me mixed up with someone who thinks that the government should have total control over everything and everyone.
  5. There is an architect act that allows most permanent things you mentioned to be used, but it doesn’t cover the mural. Mercedes is saying it does because it is permanent. Mercedes is saying anything in public can be used by them and whoever, just because it is in the public. This would trump copyright and other traditional protects. Also, as for the appeal thing. Mercedes = money, muralists = no money. Mercedes can litigate them into the poor house literally. Appeals cost money.
  6. Years ago I deleted it, threw out the password to reinstate my account. I can can make a new account if I ever wanted, but the old one is deleted, and I am never going to use Facebook again. My wife has it, and from what I have seen, I am not missing anything.
  7. I also find it ironic that someone who supports libertarian ideals, supports a company that is trying to take peoples art and not pay them for it.
  8. What I think is getting overlooked here is that if Mercedes wins, it will affect all forms of work in the public. Not just graffiti. And the the next step is to change what is called “public”. A Mercedes win will drastically affect how any art, including music appears in a public atmosphere.
  9. Mercedes actually sued them. They just said they will if it wasn’t removed. Difference. Any time a lawyer writes writes a letter, they say that.
  10. It could be if an image gets posted somewhere and becomes public. I know now it is far fetched now, but that is where this ruling for Mercedes can go to.
  11. It doesn’t really say but they were permitted by the city to paint this. So they still owned it. Also, they didn’t sue Mercedes, they just asked them to remove it. Mercedes took a huge step in suing them to set a precedent, that will allow all art to be free use. Online isn't really different, since it is the modern times public square. What if if I took a picture of something you painted in your house, post it online? Some one took what I posted and turned it into a product and sold it? You wouldn’t be able to do anything.
  12. What Mercedes is saying is that it is in the public, and that makes it free use. Over time, this can result in all things, even unintentionally made public, becoming free use. It essentially will cause a huge drop of artist being paid for their art.


    There most be at least one example of a libertarian government in history that has succeeded. Right? If if it is so superior, some country in history must have realized that and lead the way.
  14. What do you define as public? What about if you post something online, that’s public? What if someone else puts that on a shirt and makes money off that, and you never see a dollar?
  15. Sorry, but I don’t. I cut off my Facebook and can’t turn it back on.
  16. If Mercedes wins, that will set the precedent that all public work can be used by anyone, for anything. The argument that the internet is public, is not far fetched after that.
  17. I got this fly party I am going to this weekend and was hoping to rock this, and do my cabbage patch. Yyyyyyeeeeeaaaaahahhhhh. Bbbooooooyyyyyyyyy!!!!
  18. https://www.artsy.net/news/artsy-editorial-mercedes-benz-sued-four-artists-murals-appeared-instagram-posts If Mercedes wins this, it would set a huge precedent for any art in the public. What do you guys think? This was a few months ago, but it is still going on now, and I didn’t see it being talked about here.


    Not talking about people like me and you. I was poor for most of my life, but doing pretty well now. I don’t even have to work now. But I am talking about the people that run corporations and their families. It this point, most of them are not working hard to get ahead, they are using the funds and most importantly the networks of connections to get what me and you can never achieve. Unless we are in entertainment or sports. There are always exceptions, but for the most part, the ballpark they play in, 99.9% of the people in the world, are not even allowed close enough to it to see what game they are playing. What made america great (excelling through hard work) is gone.


    Amazing talents? Hahaha I think it is the birth lottery.
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