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Everything posted by Telo

  1. sdag aa gkl gkl gkl gkl gkl gkl gkl gkl gkl gkl gkl gkl gkl gkl gklaj;sfklha gh;sklfgh ;lkar'gojbgjlflksdf
  2. I cant believe this knightbat shit turned into some humungo thread and signature raper.. Its kind of funny though... Amusing at times.. Although i always skip over this thread when skimming through the 0.
  3. I remember when i was in 9th grade it was cool to grab girls tits and fondle them.. Alot of the girls let me go right in the middle of the hallways.. all under shirts and shit.. Total mega 100% white trash.. It was great.. then i moved to a super rich area 2 states away and attempted it.. Boy was that a mistake.. grabbing rich girl tits is not accepted.. so i learned quick and after i finished high school i was like?? How fuckign white trash was i in 9th grade? End Transmission at 2304.
  4. Shit.. Ive never brought up 12oz outside of my living room.. You are over there recruiting new members.. suuuuuhhhhweeeeetttt... EDIT*** ok.. this has gotta be a joke.. yeah im a stupid ass...
  5. Word dun.... The accuracy around here is amazingly sharp... weird..
  6. http://img59.photobucket.com/albums/v180/DeLaDealer/ffffffffffffff/bis.jpg'> http://img59.photobucket.com/albums/v180/DeLaDealer/ffffffffffffff/adorirate.jpg'> http://img59.photobucket.com/albums/v180/DeLaDealer/PincheHuevos/crab.jpg'> http://img59.photobucket.com/albums/v180/DeLaDealer/armee.jpg'> http://img59.photobucket.com/albums/v180/DeLaDealer/teeth.jpg'>
  7. Whoa, You must be really down over there.. Bring some of that cool ballsy stuff over here. :yum: :confused:
  8. more flicks less jibber jabber
  9. sure is a lot of nonsense going on here.
  10. huh...... good question... Didnt he do an infamous "12oz temporary disappear"? EDIT** ELP4THTRACKNSYNC2BLAZEDPOST
  11. TURBOCAPSLOCK needs to start his own 12oz internet squad. I bet it would be pretty cool.. Something like "salad throwers union" or "International Brotherhood of Vegetables" Have i mentioned that ive been drinking?
  12. id get down with most of the shit they do.. as long as i had insurance and the fame they do.
  13. On a serious note, I cleaned my entire house this afternoon (better part of 4 hours) in my boxer shorts. It was pretty liberating.
  14. Ive been known to somewhat excel in this department.. No model but can compete none-the-less.
  15. You say this sucks and that sucks but you have no reasoning behind your claims.. As a matter of fact, You suck now that i think about it.. And when knows whats cracklin. IF it aint milwaukee, it aint shit. Ive got a guy who works in there customer service department who gives me all types of huge discounts directly from there factory. My dad still has the receipt on his drill he bought in 72.. works like a charm.
  16. speaking of that.... Seeking, there is this good place on the SW side to get halfway decent used tools at low prices. Plus the rugged look kind of makes it look like you use it alot and chicks really dig a guy whos pro with his tool.
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