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Everything posted by ClockWork

  1. Umm i've gotten another host but when i try and link it via IMG is just fucks up so i'll post the link. The Picture
  2. It was just a sketch, i don't plan to go out and start writing it, so no worries.
  3. oh you son of a bitch, fucking rorted by imagestation. Does anyone know a good host?
  4. this is a dodgy sketch i took into illustrator and then cleaned up a bit, i'm sort of happy with the outcome. But as you can the there was quite a large style change which i tried to pass off as some stylised bullshit but i think that failed. The O is a mega cop-out as is the I but the P, R & W i'm pretty happy with. Thoughts? Insults? Criticisms? As they say, "post'em, if you've got'em"... http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid63/p4965f46952530077a3b01b30bee445bc/fc0e63e5.jpg.orig.jpg'>
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