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Everything posted by o7iVNs

  1. great post KYRO BEGR Whole car and so on..
  2. Jaber Tars and those lovely montana colors .. very nice and that m1000 that just went off next door.
  3. DAMN DUE!! thats a nice Glue Diesl Jaber and many others.
  4. KYRO EMER DIME and this has to be the best fucken frieght photo i have ever seen!!!!!!
  5. buy/steal a new camera take good flics post more than a couple get some love
  6. KYRO SMOG Halloween!! do you have a straight shot of that? trade?
  7. Hype looks like a hippy from santa cruz asking for money for doing b-boy moves on the corner. i love you as much as my left nut. keep it real hypie
  8. They sell Montana at K-Mart now. You didnt get the memo? Easy to rack too.
  9. nice catches 160, but your still gay.
  10. oohhhh shit i dont know if im the only one to spot it, but thats the beginning of a CHRIS piece. noticing the little things. great post.
  11. isnt that every yard you paint in. i dont think i have painted in a chill yard yet. :mexican:
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