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Everything posted by enlighten

  1. quick question, i haven't seen anything about this mentioned here, or in littlejohn's book... what about reefers, i know on most of the old ones the refrigerator compartments are enclosed, but on alot of the refurbished ones (for example armn's) there's a litte hole next to the door on one side where you can get in and ride. it's completely enclosed on the other side by a grate type thing, so you can kinda see out. which would of course be a drawback cause you could only get out on one side. anyway...tell me what you think about it, and whether or not they're rideable. thanks
  2. that flick of the life tag on the shopping cart is sick...complete with condom and pills in the basket...haha. good composition too.
  3. http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00391039f00000022.jpg'> http://www.fotango.com/p/eba00391039f00000023.jpg'>
  4. i love how both hotel and haunt ran out of white and had to finish up with some sort of off white.
  5. ah ha... see it only took me a little over an hour and a half to figure out where they are at. quite the gumshoe aren't I... damn somebody should pay me for this.
  6. hmm...just where might these "murals" be. time for some investigating
  7. yeah, I heard Hick steals his mom's car and straight up goes shmobbin in it
  8. I said aparently meaning that it was hearsy. and I said that was the only outline I saw from him, I admit I was only there for four days, but in that time period I managed to see a grip of work from fools like Pars, Pores, Snore, Floe, Hick, and Gusto. considering you guys have the harshist buff I've ever seen, and their shit was still riding that says to me that they are the people putting in the most work right now. I'm not taking anything away from Slie or TITS, I'm sure they have crushed in the past, I just didn't see anything ILLEGAL that they are doing right now. also who are you to say that dude has done more damage this year than I've done in my life, do you know me? NO. allright I'm done rambling now.
  9. wow you managed to find the one Slie outline I saw while up there. aparently it was the only illegal thing he did all summer.
  10. fasho big up to pores and move and don't forget that fool pars I like the way you do that right thurr
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