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Posts posted by Droolo

  1. I was pleasently surprised to spot that Bruz along the water when we were visiting Queens a couple months ago, nobody has hit that wall for quite a while. You can see the newer cement under the B and R, where they filled it all in years back. That used to be a big stinky tunnel back in the day, was always great for emptying scraps and throwing m80's into. The good old stomping grounds.

  2. I'll be looking forward to that book Epmd ! Zed, those are killer flix, loving that inside-Fuzz got busy ! Definitely spotted the Guardian Angels a few times back then, does ANYBODY have that movie that came out about them back around '81 or '82 ??? That had lots of classic subway action ! I think I vaguely remember the name Oster being somewhat prevalent in that flic.

  3. Some more forgotten names from back in the day... SIKO & RUST, FLAME-TPA, GREG (with the dollar sign in the G), PRO & SON, KOOL AD (Angel Duster), KEVIN/EX-1, I'm starting to notice the OD fills in a lot of the older photos and movies-I forgot about that dude, he was definitely up. Might have been OD-3 to be exact. So much history.

  4. I definitely don't know anything for certain about every fact or detail in his particular stories, but the NYC atmosphere in general back then was definitely along the lines he describes. Those were some crazy, yet wonderful times. Aside from the brutal actions of some individuals, I really miss the true freedom of those days.

  5. It's great to see so many books by classic writers coming out ! Some that I'd personally love to see books about are IZ of course, OE3 & P13, VINNY, MIN & BOE, QUIK, ZEPH, GHOST & LOST, to mention a few. One top favorite so far is definitely the FUZZ book, so many classic subway shots, as well as great stories from back in the day in there.

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