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Everything posted by Stomah

  1. Dope posts! I love the Yo MTV Raps! sticker. I want one
  2. I don't know if anybody on here get Beautiful Decay Magazine, but i do, cause it's awsome. Just thought i'd post the RWK ad featuring Bob and Fiend! It's like a where's waldo? to find bob in this one. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/Rwk.jpg'> (if you can't find him, he is under thw word GRAF. it's easier to see when you look at the actual mag)
  3. The homie, Cute Crimes in Minneapolis http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_2620986438.jpg'>
  4. http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_2622693456.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_2622593410.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_2622493450.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_2622293448.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_2622193438.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_2621893413.jpg'>
  5. http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_2625093416.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_2624893456.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_2624793457.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_2622993441.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_2622893436.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_2622793450.jpg'>
  6. These were posted on Stickernation by Foob. http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_2623993415.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_262339349.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_2624293435.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_2624493449.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_2624593446.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_2624693421.jpg'>
  7. I put up a bunch of stickers tonight, but i only got one photo. So here it is Bobby@! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/BobStencil.jpg'> and Muff boy, stop being such a postwhore. POSTWHORE! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v245/KyloSP/Coroner.jpg'>
  8. BEAUTIFUL POSTS!! That collab with The Fiend is too nice.
  9. ^^ dude, it's nice that you like to comment on our thread, but you are a crazy post whore (not to be offencive). 800+ posts since jun2004? Everytime i show up, you have made a comment on every single thread. Where are the photos at?
  10. This Thread Needs Help http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_25390128157.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_25364117316.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_2536511734.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_25354194549.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_25392128133.jpg'> StickerNation
  11. Damn, That SlowPoke is old school. His nose used to go crazy. Thanks for the shot sg.
  12. Pikl hooked these up !!! Edit- I'll let him show yas / / / /
  13. The usual fight comment from Stomah This isn't Channel Zero. These threads are intended to showcase DIFFERENT STYLES of GRAFFITI. If you don;t like what some of us do. Cool. Leave your comment and go post your work. I know it pisses people off to hear shit talking, but it's not worth all the bullshit to try to defend yourselves on the internet. So everybody needs to shut up, and post PHOTOS in thier respective threads. http://www.woostercollective.com/splash/faile01.jpg'> Stolen from the front of Wooster
  14. Hot Damn Bob is EVERYWHERE! http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_24221210038.jpg'> San Paulo, Brazil Stolen from SN
  15. Great spots Orbit!! I dig the shot right infront of the Chicago Suns Time
  16. Nice Posts! I like the one where Bob got overslapped by Ron Bergandy. (no offence of course)
  17. ^^ I wish Lud would have been home when I went up to Minnesota. It would have been dope to go run around the town with him. Have fun tommorow DBD. Here is a photo stolen from Khristos fotolog. www.fotolog.net/khristo
  18. ^^ throw some graff ones in there too if you got the time.
  19. I'm not a fan of allowing people in or not, so how about everybody just makes single trades with others right now, and when Res decided that it's time to start up the next big trade, we'll see what happens.
  20. More stolen stickernations http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_2393020968.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_23931209632.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_23933209637.jpg'> http://www.stickernation.net/images/photos/big_2394020961.jpg'> ^^ Philly Photos by Ving
  21. Yea dude, I like you stuff, so as long as you keep up the nice work, and are able to make the next big swap, it's all fine and dandy.
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