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Everything posted by ciste

  1. yeah man. Ive been working like crazy, moved back to Florida, and just been out of the loop lately. I should have more time now so hopefully the break will bring some new ideas and new work.
  2. Gotta say madcapa, that mouse, I dont get. Here's a new canvas. I should be posting more in the coming days.
  3. I might get in on the East/West thing. For the West Coast, since that is where I came up. Can I still enter?
  4. I hear you and actually fully agree. But here's my question. If it's about close-mindedness, why did you reply calling me gay and a nerd and whatever the last one was? That's refuting your own reasoning. I say, if you want some constructive criticism and advice, post your work and sit back. Let people put their thoughts out. Even if someone comes straight out and says you suck, let it sink in, look at your work objectively and see if they are right. If you dont think they are, post more work. If you do, do work that will shut them up and post it. The objective being, to post more work and feed off of criticism. Let it make you grow, not stunt your growth. If you think my comments make me gay, or a nerd, that's cool. I know who I am. Are you an art student by the way?
  5. Kristina, This is by no means a sarcastic or attitude induced question. I was just wondering if you are even serious, or are you just messing around to ruffle some feathers? The last time I didn't care about something, I just left it where it was. No second look, nothing. Think on that.
  6. Kristina, I dont know if your so defensive because your young, or you lack self-confidence in your work or what, but if you lose that attitude and learn some humility it will go a long way. Lots of people front on here about where they are from, so a simple "Yes, Im really from New York" would possibly open up some positive avenues of communication. Especially with somebody like Joker, who could definitely provide some good insight into your work. You arent enough of a net fag to care about a blurry photo, but a few posts above you recommended how somebody should resize thier photos for the net. Which is it. Heres some 12 oz etiquette. Come on here, communicate, remember your behind a screen so tough talk and such just makes you lose credibility. There are a bunch of good people in here, who are always up for giving advice. Take it in. Think before you speak. Take your own advice "Learn it. Know it. Live it."
  7. ciste

    The Babble

    My new favorite site. Hilarious http://www.wiggaz.com/pics1.htm
  8. Wow, The Zoink stuff looks good from everybody. Plebian, tearing it up man. Good work.
  9. ciste

    The Babble

    a little more http://www.thefunnypage.com/sidewalk-art/3.jpg'> http://www.thefunnypage.com/sidewalk-art/5.jpg'> http://www.thefunnypage.com/sidewalk-art/4.jpg'> Never mind, I found out who he is while looking for some pics. Enjoy anyway.
  10. ciste

    The Babble

    I love this guys work but cant fond his name anywhere. Anybody know who he is? http://www.thefunnypage.com/sidewalk-art/2.jpg'>
  11. Joker, That canvas with the yellow is awesome. Very talented.
  12. Cinched and anybody else interested, The artist I was talking about is Oscar Munoz, hes actually from Colombia not Brazil. I havent found any good quality representations, This one is O.K., sorry but it has to be a link for now. http://artscenecal.com/ArtistsFiles/MunozO...cs/OMunoz1.html
  13. Cinched, I cant remember his name, but yeah this guy did do alot of mediums. He did one where he built a plexiglass box and filled it with water, then used baby powder to coat the service of the water making it white, then took his screen and rubbed charcoal over the design onto the powder, creating the print on the service of the water. He set up a faucet above the painting that would drip every now and then, distorting the print. It was awesome. Sorry to waste this space without commenting on anybody's work.
  14. Joker, Those are really nice. Im not going to delve too deep into reading them, but the minimalist approach that you use always produces some incredible stuff, from letters to these. Good stuff. Always an inspiration. Themedic, Awesome. More words would drown out my appreciation. Thedillz, Those blew me away. While not taking away from your work, I had a show come through USF while I was there, a brazilian screen print artist was doing prints with all kinds of different mediums. One installation was a bunch of round stainless steel plates (like a burner cover for a stove) onto which he used grease to silk screen a bunch of faces of missing Brazilian children. You couldnt see the faces until you went up and breathed on the plates, which caused the moisture to adhere to the un-greased portion, showing the faces for a few seconds until it dissipated. To sum it up, I havent seen anybody utilize the random photograph idea nearly as well as that guy, until your pieces here. Keep it up man, you have something there.
  15. Thom? Thats a weird ass word my friend, but I'll give it a shot. Im only going with pen though. Feel free to use some color if you want.
  16. Sofe, I was wondering if we were still doing anything. You pick the word. And its supposed to be all Ball Point right? The only thing is, I have about 2 minutes of free time out of everyday so I may take a while.
  17. Spellbound, Nice work! That 3D is pretty crazy, I'd like to see it realized. I'll try to finish mine up this weekend, with color and everything. Again man, good stuff. Thanks Big Italy.
  18. Spellbound Spellbound, Sorry for taking so long man. I did this little ditty at work, so Im prepared to be burned. I'll have a 3D in about 6 months. Just palying, I started one when we first agreed to the word, so I'll try to go back and finish it up. The word was grip for those who have forgotten, or didnt care to notice. http://www.legacyprogramming.com/Davey/stage/grip.jpg'>
  19. no youre not... just playing man. Switchum, That canvas you did is intense. I like that alot.
  20. Sorry man, didnt mean for that to submit yet. Anyway, thats where I am. Ive noticed a little bit of a scene popping up.
  21. ciste

    The Babble

    Cleaning off the hard drive: Some Mardi Gras float fun: http://legacyprogramming.com/Davey/stage/marble.gif'> http://legacyprogramming.com/Davey/stage/drgn2.gif'> Some Graphic Design Work: This was a concept for Wired Gamerz, some website. http://legacyprogramming.com/Davey/stage/wg.gif'> A rejected logo concept: http://legacyprogramming.com/Davey/stage/scuba.gif'> An old piece for an album cover: http://legacyprogramming.com/Davey/stage/funk.gif'> I'll get some more together.
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