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Posts posted by PerFuct

  1. Ok, let me clear a few things up for people that might have a hard time understanding.

    Jack and rad, you have beef with 3fk, that you asked for, you started, and it will end.

    This whole "Your bringing personal shit into this", as the above pictures display by a screen name "three one two", l will say and stand by, IS NOT ME, OR A MEMBER OF MY CREW, and you obviously pissed someone off more than just us, and now other people are adding the the already burning fire.

    Now believe what you want, you can say its us, you can tell people, your crew, your friends its us, but the bottom line is that 3FK doesn't need to stoop to levels such as bringing your family into graffiti beef, period. We are not that skummy, and for the record, I actually sympathize for your family, and you know why? Because I am a decent human being, take it as you will.


    Now that I've cleared that up, and like I said, im sure you will believe only what ignorance you want to believe, if you want to handle this like men, with fist, we'll do that. You want to take it to the streets, we'll do that too, REMEMBER you asked for this, not us.


    So before you continue calling all the home boys and making up more stories, see me, like a man.


  2. To everyone who reads this thread and doesn't live in SF:


    The graffiti you see on this thread only represents a small portion of the graffiti in SF.


    Thank you for your time.


    Seriously, I'll post flicks sometime soon.

  3. The Rub Brooklyn radio podcast has been dropping The history of hip-hop, a new year every week or two, 2hr long sets, real solid.

    1998 just came out this week

    They also have a bunch of older sets that are really good too

    Sabbath in the park..Really good.

  4. wow, get that bullshit fuji track bike away from all the shit i just posted. one speed? yeah, there is one speed. glad you informed us all, genius.


    p.s. next time i see someone throw a nuts-to-stem skid to try and "show off", i just may push them off their bike.


    HAHA, nuts to steam. Ride down market street kinda slow, these fags blow past me towards a red light just; to skid. I just ride past them inform them that they left there coolness back at the light, saltine crackers.

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