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Everything posted by caL

  1. monster truck rally in raliegh nc tonight. never been to one, im gonna act all red neck. wear flannel, etc. :huh2:
  2. wheres this shit at damn it, i need a zipcode or a city
  3. i get to jump out of planes for free. thats probably my favorite
  4. Loved it, i felt like a little kid again. the mom has jlo booty :wink2:
  5. caL


    http://www.army-surplus.com/ss_store/media/blackboots.jpg'> woooo
  6. http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b4df08b3127cce87dd7db065240000001610'> if im not gonna read it, might as well draw in it :D (poor)
  7. the outside looks purple but the interiors pink fuck that though, id rather get a gti
  8. by the way, anyone use one of those cameras? they have one thats like 30 bucks and up to 250:confused:
  9. it was lomo but i think its the same thing. thanks pilau
  10. damn it, does anyone know that site for those old russian cameras and they have like a big following. the pictures look real weird like dreamy, i dont remeber what its called ahhhh :o help
  11. that CHRISTINA is nice, too bad the pic is so small :( i like the pink nesk throwie
  12. yea put wax or super glue on that twisty thing so its waterproof
  13. caL

    The Babble

    thought that was a canvas stuck on the wall :o
  14. damn pantyraider, crazy detail, that shits tight
  15. caL

    The Babble

    man that green chick on the canvas is beautiful
  16. would be kool to see a throwie with flanel fill in
  17. you see alot of urban exploration in scary movies. but they usually all die.
  18. http://images.deviantart.com/i/3/4/2/cal_stickas_ephram_thrutrux.jpg'> http://images.deviantart.com/i/d/5/f/cal_stickas_misc1.jpg'> http://images.deviantart.com/i/e/a/0/cal_stickas_blue_hands.jpg'>
  19. thats dope stock, the marker u used looks weak tho or maybe its just real glossy anyways its tight.
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