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Everything posted by caL

  1. monster truck rally in raliegh nc tonight. never been to one, im gonna act all red neck. wear flannel, etc. :huh2:
  2. wheres this shit at damn it, i need a zipcode or a city
  3. caL


    http://www.army-surplus.com/ss_store/media/blackboots.jpg'> woooo
  4. http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b4df08b3127cce87dd7db065240000001610'> if im not gonna read it, might as well draw in it :D (poor)
  5. the outside looks purple but the interiors pink fuck that though, id rather get a gti
  6. by the way, anyone use one of those cameras? they have one thats like 30 bucks and up to 250:confused:
  7. it was lomo but i think its the same thing. thanks pilau
  8. damn it, does anyone know that site for those old russian cameras and they have like a big following. the pictures look real weird like dreamy, i dont remeber what its called ahhhh :o help
  9. that CHRISTINA is nice, too bad the pic is so small :( i like the pink nesk throwie
  10. yea put wax or super glue on that twisty thing so its waterproof
  11. caL

    The Babble

    thought that was a canvas stuck on the wall :o
  12. damn pantyraider, crazy detail, that shits tight
  13. caL

    The Babble

    man that green chick on the canvas is beautiful
  14. would be kool to see a throwie with flanel fill in
  15. you see alot of urban exploration in scary movies. but they usually all die.
  16. http://images.deviantart.com/i/3/4/2/cal_stickas_ephram_thrutrux.jpg'> http://images.deviantart.com/i/d/5/f/cal_stickas_misc1.jpg'> http://images.deviantart.com/i/e/a/0/cal_stickas_blue_hands.jpg'>
  17. thats dope stock, the marker u used looks weak tho or maybe its just real glossy anyways its tight.
  18. ey those are tight man, thats kool how its on a... one of those tag things for ur luggage. :confused: well whatever it looks kool.
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