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Everything posted by alure

  1. rags: ermmmmmmm pistol: i requested butter..not mayo pfft
  2. the people i lived with had the band of brothers dvd set.. never got around to watching it tho, i dont think he did either
  3. thats cause i've seen it a billion times and have never seen a beautiful mind..
  4. vinyl: or come back online for that matter ;D hrm do i watch pulp fiction or a beautiful mind..cant choose damn hbo!!
  5. i dont need lubes to jack off with fool bahaha
  6. vinyl: go showaahh dirty boy:D yeah onions burn my eyes.. or when i used to cut up hot peppers and i accidently rubbed my eyes shit burned for days
  7. gnite junkie!! you should email me your paper i wanna read it ;]
  8. damn..ciggs are expensive where your at.. i only pay like $3.15 for a pack of camels
  9. i suddenly feel very lonely. in the movie they are eatting with chopsticks, man i havent ate with those in so long, my mom always eats with them.. i'm not good at eatting rice with them tho.. mm i want sushi
  10. oh ...i just started watching black rain... the part where the jap guy takes his coat and he chases him...i've never seen it before .. its crazy..i want a bike
  11. haha you are all gentlemen you just dont like to admit it.. assholes + respect = woohoo ;D
  12. hrm i dont know about trucks.. but i forgot to ask in the other thread .. When: what are the bags for? you said you have like lbs of them..
  13. nope no sour cream.. i dont eat sourcream in my breakfast burritos.. and even if i wanted to we dont have any:D
  14. really? you dont like hot food? i love it
  15. its yum.. it has potatoes, eggs, bacon, cheese, and salsa in it.. i would have prefered green chili but who i live with..they dont like that stuff so never get it..
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