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Weapon X

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Everything posted by Weapon X

  1. Weapon X


    They took it down. FUUUUUUUUUUUUU It was Cole Hammels of the Phillies getting grenade spammed and then saying "Oh fuck" and the acronym was F.A.G.S. oh wait, here it is. WEED LEAF CALLSIGN.
  2. Weapon X


    oh shit it's down, crazy ass perks, and 25 killstreak gets you a game ending nuke, but ac-130, chopper, airstrike and the like don't add to your killstreak.
  3. Weapon X


    my buddy is gonna get forza 3 after he beats 2 100%. IMPORTANT LINK FOR MW2: http://n4g.com/xbox360/News-419749.aspx
  4. Weapon X


    NEWEST MW2 VIDEO FROM INFINITY WARD. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxBdcdKVm2U
  5. Weapon X


    definitely fun but i was 'meh' because buddy and the Internet gave been "OMG"!
  6. Weapon X


    Played some co-op at a buddy's house. I'm pretty 'meh' about it, but he loves that game. Definitely no Brothers In Arms.
  7. Weapon X


    also, did you guys peep the first level of MW2? I bet we're gonna see Jack Thompson on Fox News.
  8. Weapon X


    if you can compare DI with GoW on video, you will see what I'm talking about. Some of the best games out there lack innovation. Dead Space was my 'Game of the Year' for 2008 and it was mostly RE4 mixed with BioShock. But I don't think Visceral can out God of War EA Santa Monica. Speaking of The Warriors, I'm more than miffed that it's on the PSN store, but only for the PSP. That is one of my all time favourite games and it deserves a HD update.
  9. Weapon X


    no, dgk , you fail for not realizing DI is a complete GOD OF WAR rip off. The game director even said as much. But Visceral (formerly EA Redwood) made Dead Space so I'm buying. Plus GoW is the best. I wasn't impressed by the video of DI i saw, but there is still time.
  10. Smart, I should thank you for putting me on to Le Carré, years ago, on one of these threads. Leamas is the man.
  11. i miss me posting on here. Harvest has been awesome!
  12. Weapon X


    They need to start pumping old games via dl big time! I'm takking Atari 2600 games, even!
  13. Weapon X


    I liked demo as well but will probably grab after Christmas. (Brutal Legend)
  14. Weapon X


    more mw2 http://twitter.com/fourzerotwo
  15. Weapon X


    http://www.1up.com/do/previewPage?cId=3176058 MW2 MP info.
  16. Weapon X


    New AC2 trailer with Justice song. http://www.gamersyde.com/stream_assassin_s_creed_2_gameplay_trailer-12716_en.html
  17. Weapon X


    that trailer is sick. throwing knife extended mags red dot with silencer perk
  18. Weapon X


    how long do these maintenance breaks from PSN take? i'm having withdrawal.
  19. Weapon X


    anyone get Arkham Asylum? I'll probably get it down the road, if only for the voice actors from Batman: TAS. Demo was decent.
  20. Weapon X


    MW2 is a def day1 purchase for me. it's why i started on the online for MW.
  21. Weapon X


    i didn't attach those, but, yeah, they're nice.
  22. Weapon X


    and, yeah, Prototype is sick, but still not as thrilling as Hulk: Ultimate Destruction. My friend got pissed that I beat the last level on my second try, just minutes after I came over, after he had tried twenty times.
  23. Weapon X


    i stopped playing as soon as they made those changes, though i'm not sure I'd attribute it to that. Maybe more because of rocket launchers, lousy tacticians, not buying the new maps (i hate Radec Academy), and other games coming out. I am REALLY late to the party and just started playing Modern Warfare online, and I'm loving it, though my n00b ass is getting kicked all over the place for now. I'm thinking about getting SOCOM: Confrontation.
  24. Weapon X


    the new god of war 3 screens are wicked. hades boss battle looks like it will be fun.
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