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Dick Quickwood

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Posts posted by Dick Quickwood

  1. wow this shit is still on. shit my life has changed a lot since i've been here last. this beautiful girl done broke my heart. soon i was cooking up when i wake up, before i can go to sleep, and every couple hours in between. that shit makes you feel better then you could ever imagine and worse than you could ever imagine. half the time after getting high i'd smoke a bowl too that makes it even better haha. i spent some horrible lonely hours in my shitty little apartment wrapped in coats and blankets, freezing cold and sweating buckets, deathly sick, waiting for the morning to come so i could meet my man. fast forward a few months, my savings is gone, i'm too sick to work my job anymore. i re upped my stash, quit my job, cleaned out my apartment, and went to see some cities i've never seen. shit was mad fun until i used up the last of my shit. now days i'm homeless and my computer time is up.

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  2. one day i hope to be able to do frontside airs like that. i just skated my local waxed curb in the blowing ass wind, set up this shopping cart to do little grinds on and bent the fuck out of it, haha. skate and destroy

  3. Re: It's The Shit Thread - no homo


    damn, i took half a pill of this really strong painkiller called suboxone last night, i woke up this morning and i was still feeling it but i did the other half for some reason, i started puking a couple hours later at work, puked several times on the way home, slept for a few hours, now i'm still queasy and out of it

  4. practiced some nollies and kickflips in my small ass living room today. haha one day i'll be able to do kickflips. wtf, i've been skating (off and on) for over 10 years and no kickflips? that shit is not gonna fly. i decided i'll learn kickflips before i get a new board so my old aready chipped one won't get hurt by getting more chipped

  5. i had this problem where my computer wouldn't connect to the internet because it couldn't start a bunch of services because windows couldn't find the files or so the error messages said. so i ran spinrite on my hard drive and it's working for now. this brought a problem to my mind. a while ago i copied some pictures to a cd and tried to open them on another computer, but it said it was protected and access denied. how do you put files on a cd or hard drive and make sure any other computer can access them?

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