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Everything posted by shesmyheroin

  1. isto elkamino necs dz fonse kerse geso spek arsn
  2. sacer newa eye dz wyse regal guts mber zeph
  3. i hope most of these were on a line to go get fresh paint over what is on them. also, if you can't understand why painting engines is stupid, then you're an idiot.
  4. great post. and the list: bonnie and clyde chsme erupto cycle high harsh heat komy mber owl raels pek tokeo
  5. i guess even if it WAS beer, the $2 a nice fresh cold one would cost wouldn't really break the wallet.. anyway, penis oringe kerse
  6. something about being in a dead train yard with jesus in a jase car, while he's eating a bananna, just doesn't put a good picture in my head. anyway, nice old finds, the same that everyone mentioned. im sure you'll soon hate visiting your relatives soon again after you find out that those trains will be there longer than your family will.
  7. happy holidays artistik, thanks for all the posts throughout the past few years. awesome holiday rail shots dego cafe spek kwest
  8. swamp foot? is that what that says? what a great name haha.
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