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Everything posted by IDrinkSprite

  1. look at the bottom.Her hand looks like its going through his leg :spin2:
  2. I just picked up a gram and my car died on me twice.I need to sell this bitch to Victory Auto for $100 soon.I need a new ride. Anyways Im not even going to have an epitaph because Im gonna get cremated.
  3. I probably know 90% of em's lyrics on the slim shady lp and marshall mathers lp,so yeah,I just felt like letting ppl know. On another note,ass like that is the best track on this album.
  4. Ill be down as soon as I get xbox live
  5. Ill pick winter over summer any day.The only thing that I hate is getting up in the morning.
  6. I had a feeling he wouldnt live that long.I thought he was gonna die while smokin rocks though.Damn,RIP.
  7. thats the scene where I got my quote up top.Funny shit.
  8. what up with some new arizona flicks?
  9. 553309206 Dad and Mommy argued alot when I was younger.Dad used to torture Mommy.I know Dad did.I heard Mommy cry for help.I use to just sit in my room and wait until its my turn to get "Ouchy" as Dad put it.I didnt get it as bad as Mommy did though.I seen all the blood on the walls and carpet when Dad took Mommy to "Go eat Ice cream".Mommy never came back.I miss MOMMY. 304871428 I've tried to suck my own dick, but I can't reach it. One time I did, but it really hurt my back and ribs, and I barely put my lips on my knob.
  10. "So I tell the swamp donkey to sock it before I give her a trunky in the tradesman's entrance and have her lick me yardballs!"
  11. i like this alot.I think im gonna get one now.
  12. Dont you love it when you take a shit and you go to wipe your ass but theres no shit on the toilet paper!so you try and wipe like 1-2 times more just to make sure your ass is clean. on another note ,when i shit,my eyes usually water.I also dont read when im on the toilet,i usually just count the tiles on the floor or something.
  13. http://www.pureonline.com/pure_home.cfm Battle your demons.
  14. Fuck that game.It took forever to set up then when it was actually finished,i didnt feel like playing anymore+keeping all the pieces was a bitch.
  15. http://mstu.cz/~bozek/obrazky/Bodypaint/index.php Theres a few more
  16. "just keep em' spinnin shimmery shimmerin just a glimmerin spin spin spin spin spin spin grrrrrrrraaaa goes the sound of my engine" http://www.yagervideo.com/Videos/musicvideos/spinnin.wmv
  17. http://www.specialfitonline.com/ :huh2:
  18. i seen this one before in a couple different places.I dont know,his work doesnt really appeal to me.
  19. I didnt know 8 year olds could get it up.
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