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Everything posted by hava_nagila

  1. now the name of the game is: who can go over MORE people? I would make a bet with you on who it will end up being be, unfortunately gambling is illegal.
  2. Turtle: Stay loose, haole. Rick: What's a haole? Turtle: A tourist, a mainlander, like you. Rick: I'm not a tourist. Turtle: Whatever, Barney. Rick: What's a Barney? Turtle: It's like Barno... Barnyard... a haole to the max, a kook in and out of the water. Yeah? (LOCALS): Hey haole. Rick: Hey! haole to you too! (LOCALS): He's so haole, he don't even know he's haole!
  3. man, im drunk dialing this message board right now.
  4. remember when one guy wrote "biter" and the other one wrote "lamer" what was up with that?
  5. post everything. then post all the things going over the other things. then post the stuff where they went back and fixed what the second thing did over the first thing. thanks for not posting the "whiteout pen tag on the soap dispenser lid in the gasstation bathroom in burlingame" amymore. that was boring.
  6. damn. that little guy is atari? crushin' hard at 6 years old he's good at climbing too! way to go little man. and did someone post that bigfoot/planttrees/atari truck.yet? that whole thing is sick. "keep doing your thing fuck all the haters. they jealous............. and fuck the police" ---hey 2ikuno...i wish this was everyones motto. hey EUROone ---Ou est-ce que tu habite?
  7. just try to count stak tags. they dont make numbers that high.
  8. so if everyone were to go over all of the twist and josh shit in this city that happens to still be running, it would be alright because neither twist or josh would do shit about it?? have some respect for a writer youve probably bitten once or twice in your short lifetime dipshit. Quoted post [/b] realized i dont care. im done.
  9. yeah, i was kind of trying to retroactively price-date them for 1975 when im guessing this photo was taken. last time i saw them they were 9.
  10. this is tough. where did you get this from?? Quoted post [/b] i put this photo as my wallpaper. check out dude on the far left's wino's. best 6 dollar shoes money can buy. 6 dollars worth of money, that is.
  11. this forum should rename itself: B U T T H U R T because all you little girls do is cry about stuff.
  12. no way! dude-- i was at wallgreens the other day and theres this whole box, like right behind the counter, right out in the open, and it says "BLUNTS" totally big on the package. and i think there was about 50 in there. the person at the register must have been hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh so high. like cypress hill.
  13. I had a pimple on the side of my thigh earlier. it had gotten pretty huge, because i kept touching it, but i popped it in the bathroom at work. it was pretty juicy, and that was cool. but now it hurts.
  14. "Tak'n from HIFI Art, but needs to be seen again - dude don't even use a fill & it "ROC AL DA ROC'S" are you typing in some sort of Hatian patois? I mean... all those words sound nice together. "commin' from the top, this ah "ROC AL DA ROC'S" yes I Jah Rastafari.
  15. I DON'T KNOW WHO THEY ARE BUT THEY SURE ARE UGLY. ANY GIRL WHO SLEEPS WITH THIS FOOL HAS SERIOUS MENTAL PROBLEMS, IS GETTING PAID TO, OR IS UGLIER THAN THIS FOOL. OH YEAH AND THAT CORAL (JOCK) NECKLACE MAKES HIM 100 TIMES UGLIER. CORAL NECKLACES ARE FUCKING HORRIBLE Quoted post okay, so this guy isnt your type. why dont you post some guys that you think are hot on here? i thought this thread had finally gone gay, but i keep getting disappointed. and if you must know- that coral necklace you can only get in hawaii. thats tropical motherfucker. the caribbian-as in- "the baby is in the carib, and im doin' your mom DOGGYSTYLE. in the living room. Quoted post YOU MUST BE HELL OF UGLY TOO IF YOU KNOW SO MUCH ABOUT THOSE STUPID ASS CORAL NECKLACES. NO RESPECT TO ANYONE WHO WEARS A SEASHELL OR CORAL NECKLACES ANYTHING. FUCK PEARLS TOO. Quoted post now see, you say I MUST be ugly..but what I'm saying is... maybe im not? and if I'm not -- then I'm h.o.t. that spells hot. are you a top or a bottom? I can handle both ends so its no difference, but tell me about yourself. what is the PERFECT man like? and tell me in detail big guy.
  16. Good for you, no one cares get that gossiping shit out here you fucking princess. Quoted post [/b] woooaaah. that guy ^^ just put your keyboard up your butthole. damn.
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