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Everything posted by hava_nagila

  1. what ever happened to pepsi? does anyone have any photos of his shit? pepsi fanta and shasta were all running around the same time...haha.
  2. I jacked off to that tree up there. somthing about green and brown together makes my tighty whiteys even tighter...
  3. Here's to a long life and a merry one. A quick death and an easy one. A pretty girl and an honest one. A cold beer - and another one!
  4. non diss to you Hava, but isnt that a lil closed minded? Not everyone whos up as hit that door. Quoted post [/b] dude I don't know what I was typing. I had just drunk bottle of royal gate and I was feeling punchy. I love all graffiti man, even Bacon and Lock. even art school kids who draw cartoons, who cares. (p.s. i had two beers for breakfast today--so I'm a little more magnanimous this morning)
  5. that doorway is full of people who actually bomb...
  6. in jail 3 times before he was 17. haha.
  7. insides of 38's whatever. anyone can do that.
  8. we all know that got buffed about 10 minutes later...
  9. I'm not normally impressed by graffiti, but bump for this one. thats fucking amazing. is there a close up of this Theo?
  10. losing 6 games in a row is lame. good thing there's like a hundred more.
  11. my moniter just so happens to *NOT* be a wall-sized flat screen TV.
  12. Rap is like Wrestling... soap operas for men. Graffiti is closing in on 3rd place.
  13. meat sloth 2006. ...hit you with a rubber mallet...
  14. this page is certainly off to a "downs syndrom-y" start. do you kids type with your feet?
  15. hey if you like these last few pages, you might like looking at these sites that are similar: 1. Soapoperadigest.com 2. Oprah.com 3. Gay.com
  16. "bitch flixz, graff flixz, poems, raps, shout outs!! whatever.."
  17. Quoted post [/b] this guy looks really upset that I'm looking at his disected package. like he's about to flash on me.
  18. maybe we want YOU to take the pictures so WE dont have to. ever think of that?
  19. What is the point making a black and white zine when we have a full color internet right here at our fingertips? I mean thats cool and all that you're trying but isn't the idea of doing a zine that you're doing it yourself? Go out and take your own photos. Or just be a punk and steal them from this site. oh, and just to be a dick--- you said "shizznitzz" waaaaay too many times.
  20. there are so many good beers its hard to choose a favorite, but this one is definitely top 3 for me. Celebrator Dopplebock.Perfect balance. Like candy.And you get a little goat statue thingy to keep with every bottle. And word to all the people that brought up San Francisco's own Anchor Steam. Although its not the best beer in the world, that brewery is pretty much responsible for there being anything other than mass market piss in the U.S.
  21. post some photos of spray painted cartoon faces on the sides of buildings. totally illegal dude.
  22. IF YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT ROCK BANDS AND HOMO SHIT : TAKE IT TO CHANNEL ZERO! I went and did that and they were really mad about it. I guess they don't like homos as much as I do.
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