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smoke crack

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  1. im finding myself board and shut in now that its officially winter..and since im currently in a creative recession with no motivation to draw and whatnot..ive taken up reading....but..all i have to read are the books and magizines in my house..and once im through them i wouldnt even know where to start trying to find GOOD books WORTH reading..so..ive turned here for recommendations............. (if a thread like this already exists just link me...im more than a few beers deep and couldnt find the search thing)
  2. yeah i saw it a couple weeks ago in north country.
  3. why can i never see any of your flicks?
  4. some alright shit...but watching workers work is boring..that fat guy was pretty funny though...you should interview him for the next one.
  5. that jick,setr,stae2 pan am may be one of the best trains of the year. jurne's fbox deserves a mention too. solid post.
  6. smoke crack


    anyone got those new reakwon mix tapes?
  7. seriously..how can those two fucking herbs sit in their little camo tree stand with their fancy shmancy scoped out rifles take out something that cool from 10,000 yards away?....if they brought it down with a poket knife itd be impressive...but this shit is straight pussy. huntings for fags.
  8. i was hoping this was an ASTRO thread....but still dope...that sware is cool
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