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Everything posted by KEFA

  1. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^im gonna post some tonight....
  2. rip jse/mad/binker/nyse if anyone knows any details pm me
  3. ^^^wha???not even....suer pm me..
  4. i just found at least 20 old school flics of binker/mad/jse/nyse sitting in the middle of the alley soaken wet and trashed.. im trying to ari dry them now an ill post this week. not sure why they were tossed out but dude was a major influence too me so i had to save em.. respect...
  6. "we make it, we don't fake it, we just take it"
  7. found this..might help.. http://www.webbikeworld.com/t2/horn-relay/motorcycle-horn-relay.htm
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hs4GXH5Q3Rk
  9. this is pretty wack..no type of respect.
  10. thought this was a good piece of information. found in msk thread. in addition, even if someone does snitch it isn't always documented in any paperwork, it depends on what type of level people are snitching on. so there may be no paperwork to show. a common misconception for many graffiti writters, just because there is no paperwork it doesn't mean someone didnt snitch. during preliminary phases of investigations, if information given in certain ways (even verbally during a brush with the law) it is not always documented, even if it is, most of the time you won't ever see these documents at the discovery phase of your court proceedings when you receive your dockets. Example: detective work is like algebra, exspecially when dealing with graffiti. Detective's know that 2+x=7. they know that 7 is their suspect and sometimes already know their identity. (exspecially in certain graffiti cases) they also know that 2 is some evidence as in a "painted spot". logically x=5 however sometimes they need someone to clue them into "X" something said to re-assure their thought and feelings(connect a dot or 2), in turn they will with this magical "x" peice of the equation put togather a few loose ends in their head but because they are stupid and dont know little details or even if they did, they needed someone to tell them that in fact "x=5" and in fact that individual added to their case, they jsut needed someone to tell them the answer they already knew. further more, the retarded cops sometimes will insist they figured out 5 on their own because 2+x=7 and 5=x is so obvious. thus no paperwork. Then of course you have the full blown trial case of testifying in front of a judge (which you may not even present for unlike the movies or law and order. if it is for a warrent or an inditement.), which is in fact on paper, *these documents are often supressed out of protection of the informant/case and are used to gain warrents and or evidence to obtain convictions which you as a defendant will never see nor your lawyer, unless you got some lawyer blowing the city clerk after hours (which lets be honest how many jewish lawyers are gonna suck off some fat ass dude behind a desk). However your lawyer may know that multiple warrents and or subppoenas were issued or gained during your arraignment(s) or discovery, and if some are suppressed it is out of protection for a person or out of protection of a "on going" investigation, and such evidence against you would be imparative to such an investigation, therefore again you will never see the affidavits. but you will know that there are protective acts, depending though on the nature of the case there can always be slip ups on the District Attorneys behalf, and you might luckily find out a thing or two about your snitch, because of wording in other affidavits that you might receive that are not protected. 95% of the time there will be atleast some warrent or subpoena that is not protected, hopefully there is something there that indicates some thing of interest. this is how the police and the english court system (much like the american justice system) works.
  11. http://www.myfoxchicago.com/dpp/news/investigative/Outrage_Over_Fundraiser_for_Accused_Cop#52994924-1 come out and protest this dick head frugoli...peaceful protest..
  12. yo..i doubt this is a specific brand..looks custom..prob parts from various other bikes..maybe harley..
  13. remove that snitching ass shit..
  14. whats the full event details on the furgoli fundraiser???i have a grip of people that didnt even know fausto or evol and they want to protest. someone get ahold of me through here and lets get it together.
  15. nice and cold out..welcome back chicago.. good lurking weather..
  16. just bought a truck on craigslist...score...!!
  17. lyve,trex,mo,crum,fish,diel,equal,nekro....
  18. anyone get that crum and diel banger off the eway??
  19. i just organized my vinyl..by genre....took about 4 hours..i've started to organize my 45's now..but by set/sstyles..
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