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Everything posted by Amuser

  1. Those Serch pieces are dope Stolen:
  2. Unfortunate.. At the top of th page too Back out like a bus son *beep*beep*beep* NVS - Dope
  3. I should probably point out here that there were 2 SH crews writing in Sydney for a minute. There was SH from out west (I think) and there was SH which was 'shit happens'. This was started by Cheat (from red line) and was Video, Rayse, Cheat, Warn, Amuse and others (essentially an offshoot of the TFV crew who got up on the north shore line in the mid 90's. Confusing I know but one of the rare moments where Sydney writers were cool about such a thing. Mad respect to Mits for reviving this page
  4. It's been a bad year for Sydney writers. Alot of talent and good people have gone. RIP
  5. Yes but there were a few of depeche mode that massaged their feet Pants were rolled as were cigarettes 15,000 x IM Out Wonton laksa
  6. http://au.news.yahoo.com/nsw/latest/a/-/newshome/10320156/writing-on-the-wall-visiting-artist-vandalised-tank-stream-way/
  7. Jeez Queen Latifa has fallen on hard times..
  8. Paula Abdul Hence the post in the retarded thread
  9. http://revok1.com/blog/2011/09/dear-fab-5-freddie-youre-a-corny-wannabe-wheres-severs-check/
  10. Petro Chow Ques Nope Meant Frekl Serb Duel Perks Resq
  11. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/14/nyregion/14newburgh.html
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