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12oz Original
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Everything posted by HAL

  1. I hope there will be some funny shit in some of those Younited Nations finalists.
  2. True, until skateboarding is no longer profitable. Nike will drop the whole thing like a used tampon.
  3. Some guy named Omar taught me how to ollie. I just remember that he had a skull-print bandana tied to his belt. I thought he was the coolest.
  4. I had a blueprint board. It was good. Poppy and good kick to the ends.
  5. At least when you're skating a rail, you don't have to worry about 30 lbs of metal angles coming after you if you fall. I know a few BMXers, and all of them have fake teeth.
  6. HAL


    This stuff? I think it's just an update to the design pf the regular buntlack.
  7. I can't stand Bob Burnquist. What a jock.
  8. Oh my god dude, you need a restraining order.
  9. That Bert Wootten part was rad. Dude must wear like a size 15 shoe, because it looks like he's riding a mini.
  10. I still have an old wool baseball hat with the ND collegiate logo. Also a pair of Phat Klown shorts and a Santa Cruz hoodie from '89.
  11. It's all good man, just jokes. I think it's funny you love that company so much, but i was the same way with early 90's New Deal.
  12. I feel like I've seen that girl in the Alex Olson clip. Smash on her and her indie rock haircut.
  13. His life is one of those moments 10 years later when you facepalm yourself for what you used to do.
  14. Normally my taste in music is pretty diverse, and i can listen to just about anything, but in this case i have to side with DAO. The whole time I was watching that I was thinking this is the kind of song hipster lesbian sisters listen to when they spoon and comb each others hair.
  15. Yeah man, white kids rocking the rasta vibe just doesn't work.
  16. "Anthony Pappalardo in Fully Flared. He is a little sketchy skater but he is good" This kid is a fool. That was the best part in Fully Flared, hands down. I'm not liking these new ledge tricks where it looks like the guy is shuffling all over and breakdancing while they're sliding. Pick one grind or slide and stick with it.
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