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Everything posted by Beast

  1. Beast

    Spotted 88

    -Jigz RBOX 98 -Koze e2e SP gondola -Con SP -Wisdm CP flat -Dred, Samo BCOL -Hosed, Castro BCOL flat -Metal, Bulk BCOL -Harsh, Destn autorack -Gamble autorack -Erupto, Jaber 99 autorack -House QC -Oringe o/s Kwets, Esrth RVPR -Rek, Aser, Eats RBOX -Kaper, 21rak BNSF -Rover SOO hopper e2e
  2. any word on wholesale? I'd grab about 15.
  3. www.mtncanada.com try emailing info@keepitreal.ca
  4. Beast

    Spotted 88

    -Treeguy CP -?, Reup SOO hopper -Vizie, Chip, ? Rbox -Erupto CP -Sight, Tusk CP -Biter whole car autorack -?, Dark, ? autorack -Enok, Kelt WCCL -?, Size 21 WC -Skum e2e SOO hopper -Jerk, Myke SOU -Colt45, Oder BNSF hopper
  5. Beast

    Spotted 88

    -Reup, Amen SRY -Vile, Home BNSF gondola -Nmph SOO hopper -Apart, Dezn WLO -Smak CNA -Aroe WLO -Space, Arsn WCCL -Weld, Soviet, Roger autorack -Cheat, Mber RBOX -Resto, Tern RBOX -Crow, Gier CP -Wisdm, Dyme CP -Life, Devo CP -Stocki CP -Sigh, Rei CP -Ridl CP -Fetus CPAA -Zroe, Tre CP
  6. Big up! Nice to see the mag finally done. Dude catches some hot shit and gets some quality fliks, been trading with for a while. Nice Coset...
  7. Beast

    Spotted 88

    -Meh, Thuh CRLE -Spade, >? TBOX -Move, Urine, Stel ABOX -Rels?, Huge SRY -Ensoe, Demos SRY -Dime, Bean autorack -Pier, Dekal, Biter, Diar autorack -Theory CN -Human, Crae BCOL -Sigh RBOX -Hour, Ansr BCOL -Mink, Trav SOO hopper unfininshed
  8. very nice...it is a pleasant suprise to see fliks of the whole boxcar. Fatso...crum..kaput...a very nice combo.
  9. The small glimpse of an old Bruin MSK piece...going over history.
  10. birds of a feather flock together...
  11. Beast

    Spotted 88

    -Idea, Oshen TBOX -Ectcetra Crew UP -Stelth NOKL -Teck, Reser SRY -Mentos, Alone, Salmon CNA -Rels, Awake CN flat -Dyme, Wisdm o/s Gerion, Sight CP flat -Coupe, Hore,V aper LW -Bruin 95 gone over by Above, Placa, Stock 95 SOO -Ope, marc4, Ben CSXT waffle -Samo, Hesk -Depth SOO hopper -Raels -Booz, Ecto SRY -Host, YEsca MR -Saye, gasp autorack -Chsme, Each o/s Kerse CP flat -Falk, lace CP
  12. I'm looking for... Any issues of Xylene out of Canada.
  13. Beast

    Spotted 88

    -Kome, Phes, Israel CP -Jet, Take5, Sk RBOX -Heat SOO hopper -Pays, Busy? hoper -Kerse, Oringe RVPR -Each2 NOKL gondola -Kwest, gerion, Kane, Sight QC -Oringe QC -Anode, Set, Huma QC -Atak, Jist BN -Tre autorack -Crow, Heist, Terd autorack -Guer, Diver -Kool Tern, Rad Resto RBOX
  14. thanks for sharing some gems...
  15. The Bombshelter 166A Spadina Avenue Toronto, ON M5T 2C2 (416) 203-6676
  16. Beast

    eh! eh? eh+

    I got a flik of it, just didn't post it.
  17. Beast

    Spotted 88

    -Kwest IC -Ich, Naste SLGG -Pzes, CP -Mack GTW -Ridle, Crower CIC -Prae, Necs, Zask CRLE -Diar, Coman, Snail o/s Zore autorack -Shakan, Arek, Cherok, Jerk autorack -Funer, ?, Rock, Gask autorack -Goose autorack
  18. Beast

    Spotted 88

    -Sars e2e CPAA flat -Lost, Japan BCOL -Harsh DWC -?. Size21 IC waffle -Worm, Broke HS -Reup wheatie -Zlok, Virus, Cosoe wheatie -Ese, Kunt SOO hopper -Chip, Faset o/s Xide CN flat
  19. Beast

    Spotted 87

    -Harsh DWC -Nerds?, Labor WP -Cameo98 SLGG -Jet 98 CN flat -Ich Cn flat -?, VOmit WCCL -Saso, Bonus, Sixr, Thesis DWC -Thuh, meh TBOX -Meh, Thuh IBT -Reep CNA -Kept SOO
  20. Beast

    Spotted 87

    -Eye, Heist autorack -Colt45, Chip autorack -Virus, tars e2e autorack -Mize, Erupto RBOX -Dose, Saud CPAA -Theory CNA -Cs, Desa, DG e2e IC -Temper CN flat -Shor IC -Con RBOX -Reset, Theory CPAA flat -Revise, Buck CP -Japan, Tripun UP -Dicer CHTT -Mentos, Fes HS -Enter HS -Treeguy, Destn, Erupto SRY
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