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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. @SchnitzelI used to have one of those sandwich makers. My go to used to be ham and cheese. I don’t think we have a name for that. My vote is Jaffles.
  2. @diggity @MercerIve only had the flu once in my life. I think I was 9 or 10 and it was directly after getting the shot. It put my dick in the dirt for a full 2 weeks. I’m now 30 years flu free. When people get to take their masks off I hope they don’t relax on everything else as well.
  3. It will be interesting to see how cold/flu season goes this year. The radio told me that it was going to be a harder cold/flu season because nobody got it last year and personal immunity isn’t built up. I’m not even sure if that’s how science really works.
  4. Pulled a new project out of my uncles junk yard today. Some kind of electric scooter. The batteries wouldn’t hold a charge for long so the kids were taking turns tearin ass through the backyard between charges.
  5. Anecdotal evidence coming in. This is why women seek out older men. On a primal level they can sniff out those higher levels of testosterone. My step grand dad is 101 and he talks to me reckless as fuck. It doesn’t matter what I tell him. Hey grand dad. I did 10,000 push ups yesterday. It took me til 4 am. His response is always when I was your age we had 10k knocked out by dinner then we got drunk with girls til 4 am you pussy. My wife’s besty used to drive a truck for triple A. She said it was staggering how many of these young boys didn’t have any idea how to change their own tire. that meme with the strong dog and the weak tpwf dog is hella accurate.
  6. My Venn diagram of ads to my friends is gonna be mad crazy.
  7. I was out and about today and had a conversation with a stranger. They were telling me that 90 after the vaccine, active duty military is being required to put their masks back on. I asked why and they said the military knows something the CDC isn’t disclosing about efficacy and transmissibility. I was wondering if anyone knows any active duty military that can verify these claims of having to mask back up after 90 days.
  8. @NightmareOnElmStreetpsh. Bro I’ve been having the worst time with my local sherwin Williams trying to get technical answers. All the MFers that work there are 18 year olds. The last time I went in there with a problem one of these dick heads was like “WeLl DiD yOu PrImE iT?” I looked them dead in the eyes and told them to go get the nearest adult.
  9. Jesus Christ. All people both mail and female have that crazy look in their eyes when they are about to set your house on fire.
  10. Yeah! I’m really pissed about losing the Mexican drywall connect homie. That mofo is elusive. Everyone else I deal with regularly has already hit me up. What kind of prep are you having to do over stained cabinets with that poly coat. I bought that emerald urethane one time before. I thought that would be the ticket for painting over oil trim with no primer or scuffing. I was wrong.
  11. @NightmareOnElmStreethey bro. What paint do you use for cabinets?
  12. I misspoke. I understand the sentiment but the government only has the responsibility to uphold a handful of your enumerable god given rights. Anything else they do by nature is trampling rights. The governments best interest is to protect the wellbeing of its tax base. I think it’s naive to view government in any other capacity. Millions of people ask for this treatment every 4 years.
  13. I really don’t understand the impeding my freedoms crowd. The fact that it became acceptable to conceal your identity everywhere you go did more for individual freedom than any politician has ever been able to legislate. I’m good on this vaccine and I’m also good to wear this mask for the rest of my life.
  14. @Mercerheres the girl you dont tell anyone about
  15. @fat ralphyyou gotta get the tempered glass screen protector. I feel like that’s the dopest phone protection accessory made since the beginning of phones.
  16. @ndvThis is no joking matter. Do you think the nsa can help? I’ve been hitting People all day with the “new phone! Who dis?”
  17. I had no idea. I thought all contact data was stored on the SIM. What is its purpose then?
  18. @ndvI tried taking my SIM card out of my Android and uploading its contents into the iPhone. That didn’t even kinda work. I know it took the iPhone off line
  19. Are you installing French drains? That sounds like an undertaking. Truck drivers are the worst sometimes man. Were they specific on how they were going to make it right? I’ve had dumpster companies crush culvert pipes, break sidewalks, and gouge driveways on the regular.
  20. @Mercerbelieve it or not, a lot of my construction knowledge has been years of trial and error. The chop saw is my favorite tool. It’s hella versatile and a lot of fun. As long as you are willing to burn up a pile of material learning what works and what doesn’t without getting mad about the wasted material, the process can be fun and rewarding. I’ll take a picture of the first sill I did. Lol it’s jacked the fuck up and installed in a closet.
  21. I was painting an exterior today and dropped my phone from scaffolding 25 ft up. RIP Android. So I go to Verizon today and apparently there is some kind of phone shortage crisis. Long story short I have a fucking iPhone now. I haven’t had an iPhone in over 10 years. I can’t import any of my Android contacts cuz that jank died from internal bleeding. I’ve lost every business contact I’ve made over the past 8 years. They have been replaced with old drug clientele. All signs are pointing to go back to selling drugs.
  22. I really wish I would have hopped out and gotten a closer shot of this badassery.
  23. Dark meat is superior to white meat. When are they gonna come out with a fried thigh chicken joint?
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