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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. Do you qualify for an FHA loan? You only need 3.5% down for that one. You’ll get smoked with PMI that never goes away but you can always REFI with a different loan structure when you get back to work.
  2. A man is walking down the street and gets hit by a bus and dies. When he comes to he is surrounded by fire and hears millions of screams. He realizes he is in hell and starts sweating in terror. He see’s the devil headed his way and is literally about to shit himself. “Hey there,” says the devil “No need to be so scared. I’m really not that bad of a guy.” The man says “You’re not?” The devil replies “Nah, they got me all wrong upstairs and to prove it to you, I’ll let you pick how you get to spend eternity down here.” The man starts to look a little more relieved. “You see, I’ve got 3 doors over here. You can choose one to be your punishment for all eternity. And to prove I’m a great guy, I’ll let you look behind each one before you choose.” The man follows the devil over to the first door and the devil flings it open. On the other side is this hideous demon with a shovel. The demon scoops up a shovel full of hot coals and dumps it on some poor souls head. He shrieks in pain as the man slams that door shut. “Holy fuckin shit,” he exclaims “ I definitely don’t want that one.” “Very well,” replies the devil as he swings open the second door. One the other side is an equally hideous demon with a whip. On the end of the whip is a razor. He cracks the whip across some poor souls back splitting it wide open. ”No no no no no,” stammers the man. “Show me the 3rd door. The devil swings open the 3rd door and behind it is an old man chained to a wall. The old man is moaning and looks like he’s had the life sucked out of him. When the mans eyes adjust to the light he see’s this super sexy woman on her knees bobbing her head on this old mans dick furiously. He grabs the devil by the arm and yells “I want this one! I want this one!” The devil looks at him and says “are you sure? This is for eternity after all.” ”Yeahyeahyeah! Door number 3 Door number 3!” The devil says okay and walks through the door with the man. When they get on the other side the devil says to the woman “Times up, your replacement is here!”
  3. I’ve been wanting to say it for a while, I just didn’t want to ruffle and feathers.
  4. People that own birds as pets are weird as fuck. There, I said it.
  5. Lol. I do that with coffee in the morning. I do it because it’s dangerous and makes me look bad ass.
  6. I was trying to figure out which room I was gonna move into.
  7. do you remember what that was from? I’d love to watch that internal crisis again.
  8. Lol. I remember seeing him in some kind of interview setting with a few other people. The other people were talking about some sex offender shit and how the police had used old chat records to hem the dude up. Chris says “they can do that?” Then his whole posture tightens up and he looks straight shook as her stares blankly into the audience. I thought he was just doing a bit. I guess not.
  9. is that a Nelson Mandela?
  10. My new motivational coach IMG_0305.MP4
  11. Ah that thing gave me instant memories of riding in the back of a caprice wagon on the way to the beach with my grandparents, stale cigarette smoke in the air and a cooler full of tuna fish sandwiches.
  12. @Schnitzelthat sounds like an amazing program. Nothing in America is designed to be beneficial to the consumer. I think if you over pay on your loan, the overage is credited to your next payment. You can pay off early, but I believe it has to be 2 separate payments with one being strictly designated to pay directly to the principal. please correct me if I have this wrong.
  13. something to consider as well; you should find out the price per sq foot on that 500k house. You can use that price per sq foot to compare your price per sq ft of the house you want to buy to see if you are really getting a good deal.
  14. Is that a brand name? Snorting pure passion.
  15. After railing the whole bottle of Dimethyltrienolone.
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