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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. mr.yuck

    Current View

    Lol. I knew I made the right decision to ditch that motel ass town. Have fun on your trip. Take pictures of cool crap!
  2. I feel like this should gross me out… but I have eaten a sandwhich whilest taking a piss before.
  3. mr.yuck

    Current View

    @SQUIRRELwhats in bowling green? Me and the homie broke down there once and then ditched the car on a hitch hiking mission into Tennessee.
  4. I think 20% is a good starting point just to have some one bring you what ever you want with a smile. More % for exemplary service.
  5. shitting in a steamy room is far from ideal.
  6. Jesus Christ. I forgot that was a thing.
  7. https://www.fox13news.com/news/man-gets-25-years-for-murdering-sisters-rapist-after-meeting-him-in-jail?taid=610fa7a4e362840001f20ae7&utm_campaign=trueanthem&utm_medium=trueanthem&utm_source=twitter
  8. Whoaaa. My phone wants me to dl a vpn app and the whole shit went bonkers shooting up mad pop up windows lol. I can do this!
  9. I do everything from my phone. I’m gonna give it a try and report back.
  10. @LUGRnope. I actually tried finding a free source for time bandits the other night. I thought I found it but some dickhead just looped the first 1:50 for two hours. This movie, what ever it is, looks like a good watch, too.
  11. I think the buck chug is the most disgusting thing I’ve seen in a while. And at the same time, I expected nothing less from that man.
  12. This happened to me 17 years ago on this site. Imagine my terror when I was confronted with the question “So my pussy smells like an old gym sock?”
  13. No worries. I stay masked up and pay with cash. I’m curious if anyone watches these things live cuz I was having a conversation with the cashier that watches over the whole station while I was doing it. It felt ridiculous while It was happening.
  14. The older the berry the sweeter the juice!
  15. @MercerI got a bad feel from both parties. The chimney sweep had a retarded expensive solution that just so happens they could start working on ASAP. The bad feeling I got from the brick mason was a little more nuanced. He seemed to be the type of fellow whose favorite pastime is drinking keystone light and hitting his wife. I don’t trust that either. I might make some more calls and figure out if the style the chimney is built has me grandfathered in due to age of the home.
  16. Sup fellas? Good news; your mans just got pizzaid! Have another week or two of work and then its light speed getting this hoe finished up. In the meantime, does anyone here have experience as a mason or more specifically know the ins and outs of chimneys? I have been getting conflicting info on a potential problem I might have. I had a chimney sweep come out and take some pictures of the inside of my chimney a few years ago. He told me that I have a problem and that is I am missing about 6-8 feet of flue tile from the top of the stack down and that burning a fire in the fireplace was mega dangerous and could start a chimney fire. I also talked to a mason that was showing me pictures of an Oldschool fire place he was building in some ones home and he told me that flue tile doesn’t go much past the roof line and that my chimney was built correctly. I don’t want to spend any money fixing a non existent problem if anyone has any insight on the situation that would be dope.
  17. Why is my upload size only 2.59 mb right now? Is Raven punishing me?
  18. His point had to do with lithium mines. He was saying that the earths natural deposits of lithium are large enough to make enough batteries to replace every single car on earth with an electric car one time before it is deplete. If your battery goes dead, then what? He is advocating for gas engines that get better gas mileage.
  19. That’s fucking outrageous. That shit was so gross to me I didn’t watch it til the end. I forget but I feel like the husband was weird ass fuck too. maybe it was a different episode but I feel like the only thing he rated was how many toilets were in the house.
  20. Welcome to home ownership, where everything costs extra. And congrats
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