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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. @Mercerno shit. I was making like $13 an hour back in 06. That’s 1600 a month after taxes. My rent was 900 split 3 ways. Between that and under 25 car insurance, I was barely hangin on.
  2. pretty close. This was the slip for multiple choice tests in school. It’s where kids bet they knew the answers. Lol
  3. The Appalachian trail in Virginia is treacherous. All the trail markers are fucked up. We took a group of kids on what was supposed to be a real easy mile hike. That shit turned into a 7 or 8 mile journey once we got onto the wrong path. It’s easy to get off the hiking trail and start following a deer trail. All of a sudden your dead.
  4. That’s fun. We play a similar game of how deep into the woods are you willing to go off the trail. A few years ago we came across two women who had been lost in the woods for 3 days. We brought them back to our camp and fed them. We drove them back to where their car was and it was literally like an hour drive through the mountains.
  5. Fuck. I’m the 38%. I went through 55 pages of memes before I realized I was in the political meme thread and not the regular ass meme thread.
  6. Yeah I tried looking through all the search options but I can’t figure out internet shit like 62% of the time.
  7. Is there a way to search posts just by user in a particular thread?
  8. Nice. I know I have it on dvd here somewhere. I’m not giving Jeff Bezos another god damn dollar to watch this thing. But to kinda stay on topic I would fuck the shit out of Sandra Bullock and I don’t care who she’s married to.
  9. I’ve only been in the situation once. I had some chick dip out on her fiancé to come ride dick for a couple months. I didn’t give a shit cuz I didn’t really know the dude but we had a lot of mutual friends that were filling him in on all the details. I eventually ran into the girls exfiance at a strip club a month later. I thought I was in for a scrap but the dude didn’t even want to look at me. I ended up buying him and his homie a couple pitchers and was basically like “keep your head up dog”. That girl destroyed that man. It wasn’t a good feeling to be a part of that even though I know if it wasn’t me, it would have been some one else.
  10. A guy named cletus died in a bad house fire. His body was so badly burned that they couldn’t get a positive ID on the body. So they call in Gomer and Cooter, his two best hunting buddies that have known him his whole life. Gomer steps in and looks at his burned up face and says “Cain’t tell. Flip him over.” The mortician flips the body over and Gomer instantly says “Nope tha tain’t him.” The doctor looks puzzled by how quickly he came to that conclusion but thanked Gomer for his time and brought in Cooter. Same thing Cooter looks at the burned up face and says “Yer gonna hafta flip em over.” The mortician flips the body over and right away Cooter says “Naw. That’s not Cletus.” The doctor says “ Gomer said the same thing when we flipped him over. How can you tell?” Cooter replied “Well, Cletus has two assholes.” “Two assholes,” exclaims the mortician! “Yeah,” says Cooter. “We ain’t never seen em, but every time we were with Cletus, people would yell ‘Hey it’s Cletus with the two assholes!”
  11. Bout to cop the 2024 gas station air maxs with the retro 2004 house flipper color way.
  12. I’d like to give @Kultsand @misteravena special shout out for taking time out of his busy schedule to power my wonk saggin meter up to infinity! You’re a real ass mfer!
  13. Man. If I would have saved all of my shit from the 90s I’d be stylin on these new age pussies!
  14. I wonder how many other people are taking their COVID cues from how locked down their local Chinese joint is?
  15. “Aye somebody said that that girl had an ass dent Somebody tell me where all of her ass went” - Gucci Mane
  16. I’m pretty sure mine is like 100%
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